My country just elected a white supremacist to the highest single-office in the land.
I understand the desire for change and I felt it strongly, too. The desire for change is why I backed Bernie Sanders. The wild success of both Trump and Bernie are CLEAR indicators that the American people have had enough of the political bullshit from the status quo politicians in Washington. Enough is enough. Change is needed and that is why good people voted for Trump...
His rampant messages of hatred, bigotry, and racism SHOULD have been a deal-breaker for anyone who is a good person.
That said -
I'm a little bit racist - and so are you.
It's ok to acknowledge it to yourself; in fact, that is the only way to stop being tacitly, passively racist. It is nearly, if not entirely, impossible to be completely and totally unaffected by the rampant presence of systemic racism in our world.
The root of it is the fear of "the other" and it is a theme in society since before the time of the written word. Beowolf is one example of "the other" in ancient literature, as are several points along the journey of Odysseus. Examples can be found from ancient Egyptian and ancient Indian literature and the Hopi have tales of "the other" descending from the heavens to become their gods. The Other is an idea that is firmly rooted in our mammalian cores as something to fear and that fear manifests in several ways: usually as something to be reviled and hated or something to be obeyed and worshipped.
I choose to acknowledge the snippets of racism that float around within the programming society has given me and then, summarily, reject them. I choose to NOT accept that black people are more inclined to be criminals because of their race. I choose to NOT accept that white people are superior. I choose to NOT accept that asians are bad drivers. I choose to NOT accept that asians are inherently better at mathematics. I choose to NOT accept ANYTHING that starts with a categorical compartmentalization of people based on their race, their color, their religion, their gender, their sexuality, or any other broad category.
This is how I combat racism within myself: by accepting that it IS there and actively rejecting it. To do anything else would be to lie and deceive myself and, as a consequence, to let the tiniest fragments of racism that I have been unable to avoid take root and grow. I will not allow that and neither should you.
This has been an everyday problem since the dawn of groups clashing - from the earliest clans of mankind onward; perhaps even farther back into different social groups of proto-man. It's so ingrained in our culture that many, literally, cannot comprehend that it is a problem.
Which is where racism collides with current politics and where the title of this post comes in to play.
47% of the people who voted in the election voted for Donald Trump. Many did so based on his platforms and their desperation for change but many also did so because they are voting for his message of hate. Those did the former are complicit unless they actively fight the hatred in every way possible (you cannot convince me otherwise - either you actively combat the hate or you ARE the "good men" spoken of in "all that it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing"). Whether you intended to vote for the hatred by casting your vote for Trump is irrelevant: your vote showed those who voted for the hatred that their views are shared and accepted.
I spent a week after the election putting forth various "this is what you voted for" posts on facebook. I felt one week of "I told you so" was warranted since I had been warning of it for a year. Just shy of that week I received a comment from someone who shares my ideas, fears, etc of the topic outlining that I am, likely, alienating those who voted for Trump and making them defensive rather than getting my message across because they, who agrees with me, is tired of seeing it.
There is some validity in that comment but, more importantly: tough shit.
As white, straight, cis people we CAN turn off the messaging of hate: it's not pointed at us. We CAN change the channel. We CAN ignore it.
Everyone in the crosshairs canNOT. There has been a verifiable spike in hate crimes since Trump hit the 270 Electoral College (anticipated - the actual Electoral vote does not take place until 12/19) mark. Literally, on Day 0, there were physical assaults issued on people for being black and gay because "Trump won - we don't have to put up with you anymore."
Yes, literally.
Yet people who did not vote FOR the hatred and violence refuse to acknowledge the spike or, worse, they point to unverifiable reports and images of Trump supporters getting harassed and/or assaulted as proof that it is equally on both sides. It IS NOT. The majority of Trump supporters who are victims of vandalism and/or assault is significantly lower than those who are violated BY Trump supporters AND many of those are verified as fake.
Moving forward we have the mainstreaming of racial divides and hatred being brought up as news on sources such as CNN. Yes, really.
This is reinforced by the appointments he is making to his cabinet and transition team: mostly all people who represent special interests, homophobia, racism, sexism, and anti-trans mentalities.
Many people who voted for him, despite the fact that the rampant messages of hate SHOULD have been a deal-breaker for anyone, did so based on his policies and his views on what needs to happen; but, even if we put all of hate aside, what they voted for is STILL terrible.
Let's summarize his campaign points:
1 - Make America Great Again
2 - Make a wall to stop Mexicans
3 - Get rid of illegal immigrants
4 - Stop terrorism
5 - Get rid of special interest corruption in Washington
6 - Bring back jobs / stop free trade
7 - Protect free speech and freedom of religious choice and exemptions
8 - Hillary is a crook and cannot be trusted
9 - Label China a "currency manipulator"
To start with I understand the sentiment of #1. I understand the perspective that allows this to resonate greatly. Many liberals see that phrase and say "when was America Great?" in an attempt to force Trumpites to define it in terms that they can tear down. That is a bullshit approach. Greatness is a relative term and America was, for two generations, the greatest nation on the planet. It had many problems but the opportunities it provided for most far exceeded the problems. It had rampant systemic racism but, as a whole, America had the highest quality of life and standard of living of anywhere on the planet for a generation without any real competition. During that time America rebuilt Japan and was the first to provide aid to anywhere in the world that needed it; America was the first to arrive and bring help when tyrannical regimes tried to take power (unless, of course, we were backing the regimes - they fuck you, people). Couple this very real scenario with the power of nostalgia and it is easy to get behind the message of Trump's campaign slogan but there is one very real problem with it: how? I've asked MANY Trumpites (in random places online) "how?" and the closest answers recite the subsequent points. NONE of them have any idea HOW to "Make America Great Again" nor how Trump plans to do so (news flash: he has no plan).
Which brings us to a systemic analysis of each of the subsequent points of his campaign.
2 - Make a wall to stop Mexicans
This one started with a blatant racist comment about Mexicans all being racists and drug dealers and went into a promise to build a wall that spans the entire US-Mexico border. That promise in itself is not so odd but, what is, is that Trump promised to make Mexico pay for that wall and his supporters all bought into that idea.
My question, again, is "How?" How will he get Mexico to pay for a wall to protect us from them ESPECIALLY after insulting them so terribly?
Trump's answer is "trade deals." What he means by "trade deals" is that he wants to destroy the trade deals that allow for manufacturing that is done in Mexico to bring goods into the US without any tariffs (we'll only touch on the fact that he said tariff wars are a bad idea when talking about how to handle China). Globalization happened - it cannot be undone without unraveling the entire world economy. There is no way to stop it without destroying that which you are trying to protect. If Trump were to alter the trade deals that allow manufacturing in Mexico at Mexican labor rates for cheaper products in the US there are two ways those trades deals can be changed: source-costs and destination-costs. Either the sender pays a tariff to get the product through the border or the recipient does; there are no other options.
This brings us to the appropriate time to introduce a metaphor that can be used to explain what will REALLY happen if that wall is built.
Let's examine Joe, a hypothetical dump truck driver.
Joe's company moves lots of things in the dump truck, mostly dirt and stone.
Joe does A LOT of dumps per day with his truck. Joe's company pays their employees and they pay their taxes and they do good work.
A politician decides that dump trucks inflict the most damage on the road so he promises to fix the roads and make dump trucks pay for it. Everyone applauds. A new tax is levied that requires every dump truck dump to incur a $5 fee to the department of transportation.
Joe's company is now responsible for paying $5 every time they dump a load of anything.
The revenue stream from this new fee IS, in fact, helping pay for the roads. To paraphrase Obi-Wan: it's true, from a certain point of view.
But the reality is very different. Joe's company is not going to eat the $5 charge per load. They will increase their costs accordingly. In effect, everyone who uses Joe's company's service will pay this fee.
This metaphor explains what will happen if Trump builds a wall and uses tariffs to pay for it: the cost will be added to the goods and those who consume the goods will end up paying for the wall: it won't be Mexico that pays for it.
Furthermore - Newt Gingrich, a GOP hero, has come out and admitted the wall is an empty promise that was a really great campaign tactic. So, that entire point was a blatant lie.
3 - Get rid of illegal immigrants
Again - HOW?
I live in an area where illegal immigrants are not a huge problem. They're not "stealing jobs" here but I can acknowledge that the data outlines that there are places where workers are being replaced by illegal immigrants due to the availability of the immigrants and their willingness to work for less money. Side note: the same people who complain about this also complain about the existence of the minimum wage and argue that workers will be paid what the employer thinks they are worth and it shouldn't be forced on the employer by the government. This duality is hypocritical because the reason that the immigrants are "stealing" the jobs is because the employer will ALWAYS try to pay less. They get the same value from an illegal immigrant as they would from the legal counterpart but they can get it for less through the illegal immigrant. This is why minimum wages are necessary: to prevent the legal exploitation of workers when there is a surplus of workers.
Trump has proposed an active hunt to round up illegal immigrants and deport them all. This proposal is met with cheers from his supporters but none of them have even contemplated the cost. To enhance ICE to the point where it could actively seek out and find all of the illegal immigrants in this country would carry an enormous, crippling cost and raises a question of "what do they do when they are done?" When the illegal immigrant problem is solved we would have a MASSIVE, federal police force equipped with monitoring and research equipment and the legal authority to abduct and detain people on the suspicion of their citizenship - it's not far from them being turned into a Trumpian Gestapo.
I'm for enforcing the laws we have. I'm for detaining illegal immigrants and forcing them to leave the country when they are blatantly flaunting the laws. I'm also for making a path for them to redeem themselves if they have a job and/or a legal family here.
Grouped in with this point, because it doesn't fit anywhere else, is the topic of illegal immigrants and taxes. Any illegal immigrant that consumes services here is paying the applicable taxes on those services. Any illegal immigrant that is working "under the table" is not making enough to pay any income tax on their income. Any illegal immigrant that is working but NOT working "under the table" is using fraudulent papers and a fraudulent social security number. This SSN is credited for the taxes paid by the illegal worker without ANY hope of a refund from the government on that earned money; furthermore, the true owner of the SSN is never aware of the use of the number (unless/until it is used in identify theft in other ways) so they, too, cannot claim the taxes paid - basically, any illegal worker using a fraudulent SSN is giving the IRS free money. The idea that illegal immigrants are not paying their share of taxes is bogus - unlike Trump, who has managed to utilize every shady loophole to avoid paying taxes for the majority of my life. Which brings me to another logical hypocrisy utilized by Trumpites: he's a savvy business man for ABUSING the system to avoid taxes but anyone who USES the system to get social assistance is a freeloader. If Trump's abuse means he's a smart man for getting the most out of the system then EVERY person who abuses the social support structure is also a smart person for getting the most out of the system. You cannot applaud one and condemn the other without being a hypocrite.
4 - Stop terrorism
This, like all the others, is a "how" question.
The problem with terrorism is that the actions we take to combat it radicalize more people and make them want to avenge the actions taken. WE created Al Queda, WE created the Taliban, and WE created the situation for ISIS to bloom. Our efforts to eradicate them have killed civilians and made America look like the horrible villain that we see when we look at them. They have every reason to hate us.
The path to eliminating terrorism is not to radicalize MORE people - it's to back off and stop giving them recruitment fuel.
There is no path that uses drones and mass deployments that will stop this problem. There is no political solution. The only solution is to quarantine any and all interactions with the hosting lands. We need to have a solid intelligence presence and pinpoint accuracy target removal of 100% positively identified individuals when they are in appropriate locales (NOT family barbecues or weddings). We need to utilize the intelligence network to stop attacks from being brought TO us and our allies without taking the attacks TO them. This is the only way to end the disease of radicalized extremism: through attrition. Even then, we still have problems like the "alt-right" in this country and the ultra-radicalized "christian" individuals who commit mass murders here. If we treated that population the same way we treat the Arab world we would have a MUCH larger problem of domestic terrorism than we have.
So, I ask, what is Donald's plan? Is it to do what I outlined? I doubt it. He said we should nuke them and deliberately go after the families of suspected terrorist operators. This is how we make MORE of them and make them MORE desirous to kill us and our way of life. It is the OPPOSITE or what we need to to.
5 - Get rid of special interest corruption in Washington
This one needs very little context other than to identify, and explain, whom Donald has already appointed to his staff but, since this is continuously being updated I cannot accurately list them all here.
What we do know is that he has chosen a Vice President who believe you can torture the gay out of someone; a man who says he is a Christian and a Republican in that order.
We know he has appointed a known racist and misogynist, and preeminent figure in the "alt-right" (an attempt to hide naziism under a new label) media to his staff.
We know he has brought in multiple lobbyists who represent the special interests and corpratocracy that Trump's followers wanted out of their government. That, of course, was the entire point of the "drain the swamp" rhetoric. It appears, with the appointment of these people, that he is trying to drain the swamp of Washington by digging a channel into the White House. Furthermore, the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell (GOP), thinks that the people don't care about "draining the swamp" and that they don't feel it affects them. Despite that being one of the core pillars of Trump's campaign.
His pick for Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, was denied a seat as a federal judge for being too blatantly racist in 1986.
The Security Advisor candidate, former Army Lt. Michael Flynn, is blatantly anti Islam.
More recently than the others Trump appointed an anti-public-education, anti-science, creationist to the head of the Department of Education. Her main qualification? She donated $9.5M to his campaign. Of course, this is after Trump promised to eliminate the department altogether or, at least, "tear it to shreds." I guess appointing an anti-education billionaire will accomplish the latter.
Furthermore, most of the members of this team, and a few others, are blatantly homophobic which brings one to question how they will work with the gay racists that Trump is also bringing in.
Bottom line: there is no elimination of special interests in Trump's plan: there is a reinforcement of supporting Trump's interests and those of big business at the expense of the people.
6 - Bring back jobs / stop free trade
There is plenty of research that indicates that globalization is inevitable. There is plenty of past precedent that shows that labor slides to the cheapest source: always.
Jobs that leave to cheaper labor DO NOT COME BACK.
In order for the jobs to come back to the US the prices of consumer goods, which all the people who would work the jobs, would skyrocket. These people complain about the idea of a minimum wage inflating prices but then argue about bringing jobs that are currently being paid out at $.10 an hour being converted to $20/hr+ here.... The jobs moved because of the costs of labor here. End of story.
If the manufacturing comes back it will be dramatically reduced in the number of jobs it creates because automation will have replaced many of the jobs that once were and, eventually, it will replace us all. THE JOBS WILL NOT COME BACK.
Instead of looking backward to having plentiful jobs we need to look forward to the industries that will create new jobs. This is what the middle class needs; not a futile effort to bring back their old jobs.
Voting to bring back the old jobs is a "pipe dream" that cannot solve any of their problems.
7 - Protect free speech and freedom of religious choice and exemptions
I need not say anything more than that Trump is advocating to imprison people for a year or revoke their citizenship if they burn a US flag. I acknowledge the desire to honor the flag but those who do have taken an oath to protect the very right to protest against that flag. Any person, ESPECIALLY of the military, who wants to impede the RIGHT to protest the government through flag burning is a traitor. They are trying to suppress the first right found in the Bill of Rights; the military personnel took an oath to protect that right against enemies foreign and domestic and, by trying to impede it, they are becoming that enemy.
They don't have to like it: I don't like a lot of what people think and say; but, they have the LEGAL right to their expressions. If I dislike someone burning the flag I have the right to tell them that it is inconsiderate, rude, and unpatriotic: that is MY right.... but the government does not have the right to tell them they can't do it.
8 - Hillary is a crook and cannot be trusted
She is a crook but she can be trusted to serve her own self interest (so can Trump) but that means keeping the status quo because that is what supports her power and wallet. I don't like her and I believe, strongly, that she has been playing the long game such that suspect things are NOT coincidence and that they were all planned moves on the chessboard leading to her run for the White House. I also believe that there will not be any proof of any of it in her lifetime and, if ever there is enough evidence for wrong-doing, it will point to someone else whom she has setup to be the scapegoat.
Let's start by giving a brief outline of the scandalous items that involve Hillary:
USA Today found 900 suits filed against Hillary, the vast majority of which were filed by prisoners who filed lawsuits en-masse against high-ranking government officials (this is a fairly common practice for people who have nothing better to do but seek a pardon through any means possible).
The media likes to focus on two, fairly recent, scandals that are completely pointless: Benghazi and her emails. Benghazi is an event where the embassy was attacked and the security detail at it was insufficient to protect the Americans there - the Republicans controlled the committee that allocated security resources to this embassy. Her famous quote that has been twisted to mean she didn't care about the people is the opposite of that: she was outlining the hopelessness of the scenario because she could not get anyone there in time to help them; the news did her no good. As for the emails - Bush's presidency made use of private email servers and actively destroyed official records that, by law, were to be kept. Saying that she is evil for doing something that the GOP politicians generated precedent for is disingenuous and hypocritical. The third scandal, which has taken a back seat to these two, is the potential conflicts of interest with the Clinton Foundation. It is alleged that money was donated to it as a means to persuade her and/or compensate her for actions in office.
The rest of her scandals don't amount to anywhere near what Trump has accomplished in his career...
Now we can move on to the same evidence for Trump which CLEARLY shows he is at least an order of magnitude worse that she could ever be.
For starters, Trump says he is never sued and that he never settles lawsuits for fear of encouraging more. Both of these are untrue. There are at least 3500 lawsuits filed against him in some form and more than 100 recent ones were settled rather than going to court. His legal entanglements outnumber the next five-highest real estate developer entanglements COMBINED. This means he is so crooked that the next five highest real estate crooks COMBINED are not equal to Trump.
Trump insulates himself so that his business partners are left "holding the bag" whenever a deal falls apart. EVERY TIME. The American people are now his business partner for the duration of his presidency. He will arrange for us to be left "holding the bag" so he can profit.
In the recent suit about Trump University he defrauded students for $175M and walked away paying $25M in fees: that's right, he pocketed $150M of the fraudulent transactions' revenue.
Because I mentioned the Clinton Foundation it is only fair to mention that Trump, also, has a foundation setup for charitable purposes. The Clintons have ALLEGED conflicts of interest whereas Trump has PROVEN violations, including using the foundations assets to pay personal legal defense expenses.
Many of Trump's lawsuits are for scenarios where services were rendered and then he flat-out refused to pay the vendor. I have even heard a radio interview (which I cannot locate now) where Trump outlined that the greatest business thrill is brokering a deal and then defaulting on it and having the debt he owes go to collection so that he can buy the debt at a discount from the collection agency and then forgive it so that he can write the forgiven debt off on his taxes (if you find this PLEASE let me know so I can link to it below).
There are many suits still open, including 75 that USA Today says could distract from his Presidency.
Additionally, some of the suits are for reprehensible behaviors, such as raping a 13 year old (the case was dropped because the plaintiff received numerous death threats during his campaign).
Let's compare this to a list of suits filed against the person who SHOULD be the President-elect, Bernie Sanders:
That's right. If there are any they are incredibly difficult to find. Googling results shows suits filed against the DNC because of the way they handled Sanders and, essentially, gave the election to Trump.
9 - Label China a "currency manipulator"
There is disagreement as to whether this is true, though the financial and business experts say the current scenario does not meet the official criteria. Setting aside the actual disagreement and assuming that the label is applied -
But what will this actually DO? How will the official label actually change anything?
I'd like to have formal explanations on what the label allows our country to do about it because we can say it all we want - but what does it allow us to DO?
Furthermore -
Trump's candidacy is costing the taxpayers of NYC $1M a day in additional protection details. That cost will transfer to the Secret Service when Trump is elected because he has outlined intent to stay in Trump Tower rather than the White House. All of the rents for those facilities is revenue directly to his ownership of the tower.
Trump also says that the government can never run out of money because they are in charge of printing it. Obviously he is not aware of what happens when governments print more money in an effort to fix recessions and government debt.
History shows -
Trump's rhetoric is familiar to many who have a modicum of historical knowledge because it mirrors the same rhetoric used by future dictators when they are seeking to get elected. The most notable of these is Adolf Hitler. Godwin's Law aside, the parallels between Trump's campaign and Hitler's rise to power are disturbing.
Germany lost WWI and the economic cost of it ruined their economy because of the investment in the war and the following economic reparations forced upon the country by those it had victimized. This crushed the middle class and led to a rise in nationalism against anyone who was not a German; specifically, the Jews. All of the problems were placed on the immigrants and Jews and hatred for them grew. Over the course of 4 years, starting in 1925, the Nazi party exploded - more than quadrupling in membership as the hard times affected more people and the right-wing ideologies of hating "the other" spread. The Great Depression was felt around the developed world and it generated further economic troubles on the German middle classes than they had already been experiencing. The Nazi Party won seats in their version of the House of Representatives and the Senate and the following election awarded them greater voice including Hitler's rise to the Chancellorship. Less than a month later the Reichstag (their version of the Capital Building) was torched in an act of arson resulting in emergency powers and restrictions of personal liberties AND the first of the concentration camps. This was 1933. This is parallel to Trump being elected; he just needs an attack on a government building to seize emergency powers sometime in February.
From 1933 to 1937 the Jews were forced to register and wear the Stars of David on their clothing and stripped of their legal personhood. Following this was the invasion of Austria and Poland. In 1939 TIME Magazine named Hitler the Man of the Year and applauded his actions and there was a rise in Nazi sentiments in the US - people applauding the suppression of non-Christians and wanting to bring it to the US.
WWII stopped that from being socially acceptable and "The Greatest Generation" sent hundreds of thousands of young men to die in a fight against the Nazi war machine.... to fight fascism.
Now their children have elected to bring that same sentiment to this country.
History shows
Societies collapse. It happens. There is ample evidence to prove this.
Societies collapse after they have become too powerful and living in luxury, or, at least, those at the top.
The collapse of Germany into the fascist state has already been presented and, clearly, has economic ties. The French Revolution was the ultimate end of the aristocracy outpacing the financial means to support them at the expense of the peasantry. Lenin led the Bolsheviks to topple the monarchy in Russia because of their financial oppression. The success of the Bolsheviks emboldened those who felt oppressed in China and led to a revolution there which led to modern day Chinese Communism.
The USSR failed to recover from a stagnant economy despite massive changes in policy and, as a result, fell apart.
Currently there are multiple economic depressions in place that have citizenry who are rebelling against the rich overlords. The Ukraine is one example, or it was until Putin rolled tanks and the Russia military in to be "peacekeepers" (conquerors) and Venezuela is another. There are many articles examining the current state of income inequality in Brazil which, due to the various conditions there, had the worst Olympic Games conditions of the modern era. If we examine ourselves then it is apparent that the US is also on the brink of a financially-induced collapse because the own too much and their wealth is growing while the middle class is regressing and the poor slide further into oblivion.
Nick Hanauer wrote a great article, as a billionaire, about how the rich need to change BEFORE the inevitable financially-induced revolution happens. The outrageous support for Trump and the success of Bernie are the voice of the people who will be that force for revolution if the politicians do not fix it.
Jared Diamond did a TED talk about why societies collapse. Watch it. Parse it. Look at the reality that the mid 80s was the apex of America. We're approaching the second generation after the apex.
The lens through which all of trump's activities can easily be viewed to make sense.
1 - How will the action directly benefit Trump?
2 - How will the action indirectly benefit Trump?
3 - How will the action benefit Trump's peripheral interests?
4 - How will the action forward Trump's racist and misogynist philosophies?
ANY action taken by Trump, since he started his career, can EASILY be explained using those four points. If you disagree find evidence for me to review.
Trump is, literally, following the Hitler playbook (one of his exes even said he kept Hitler's books on his nightstand).
He may seem like a buffoon but he is not. He is doing this in a perfectly planned execution to gain control through fear and misdirection by seeding distrust in the very sources who can undermine him.
I am terrified for anyone who is not a white, straight, cis person. I am saddened for anyone who is not that AND male (because the step after oppressing the not-white, cis, straight population is to "put women in their place").
I am also fully, and acutely, aware that I am high up on the list of targets because I am willing to speak out against the regime AND I am an atheist so I cannot be controlled by distorting my faith through warped religious logic.
My willingness to speak up puts me in danger of being interred, too - despite my gender, sexuality, and the color of my skin.
I, truly, believe that WWIII is about to happen and, if not, the 2nd American Civil War will. WWIII is about the only thing that can stop a second Civil War but that is not even a guarantee.
The path is laid out before us by history and it is perfectly clear to me and I cannot see any way to escape it.
The home front, domestic, small-scale terrorism is bad enough (and, yes, the violence based on race and gender and country of origin IS terrorist activity) and is terrifying because it is the people who LIVE around us doing the horrible things…. But the fear of the war is that it won't stop with conventional warfare. The world has moved beyond that.
The core psychological differences between our lifestyle and that of the Muslim extremists is the only reason they have failed to break our way of life..... BUT... once they figure that out it is how the war will be conducted. All sides will resort to the tactics needed to crush the other and that method is NOT the way we currently do war. War will change as much for the next major conflict as it did during the American Revolution, when lining up in orderly lines to face each other stopped being the correct way to fight.
The internal struggle will increase as more and more middle class people struggle against the slide into poverty and lose. They will blame the government and the immigrants because it is easier than reflecting on themselves and how easy they used to have it. Internal violence will increase until those who seek to defend the rights of the oppressed stand up for them as allies. The government will roll over them in an effort to appease the militant group of disenfranchised white people - don't believe it? Look at the Dakota Access Pipeline where the federal government is letting the state government and county law enforcement roll over all those defending the LEGAL rights of the native people ON THEIR OWN LAND for the sake of the profits of the oil companies.
Enough will be enough and war will break out.
Infantry will give way to biological and chemicals as our infrastructures are attacked. Mass attacks will follow. After, if not parallel to those, will be the feats that I know will cripple the culture that America IS. The same culture that Canada IS and that most of “the West” is.
Society will not survive intact. We will be forced to re-cut politics and political boundaries and re-draft nations. Barring complete destruction of humanity the human species will continue…. but it will be as changed as it has been after any major, and massive, upheaval that destroys nations.
The world of 2100 will not resemble the geopolitical boundaries of today and those people will have forgotten what, and who, we all are as much as we can’t name the entirety of the countries that existed pre WWI in Europe.
But I think this is going to generate a combination of WWII, the American Revolution, and the American Civil War - leading to a new European Theatre conflict where the US, the UK, and France are an anvil and Russia is a hammer that tries to crush the middle of the continent - the resistance, ironically, will be led by Germany. Our country will then bifurcate with a new "shot heard round the world" as the liberal half of our country stands against the tyranny of Trumps regime and becomes a loosely disorganized set of geographically separated states who align with Germany to undermine the US involvement in Europe.
The end will have a new Holocaust of Muslims - further radicalizing those in the Middle East against "the West" and a Europe and America wading through debris and economic disaster. The extremist Arab states will benefit from this, as will China.
If we are lucky we will end up with the Northeast of the US, and the west coast, being annexed by Canada while the rest of the US implodes and Europe scrambles to stop the encroaching extremist culture that they are so afraid of.... I can't decide if China will march their million-man army in conquest or not.... there are too many factors at play to determine it.
I told you so before and I will have to say it again.
If you voted for him THIS is what you voted for.
If you don't start standing up against the tyranny as it appears you are complicit in it continuing; doubly so if you voted for the tyrannical powers to take office.
References: (this is a list of links, not a primary source in itself)
Even super-"alt-right" sites are acknowledging the increase in hate speech but are downplaying it: (yes, it's so bad even FOX News is reporting on how bad it is) (this site is anti-Clinton apply every one of their statements to Trump's history and see if it looks better). (also an anti-Hillary site - again, compare their list to the things Trump has done and said).,28804,2019712_2019694_2019588,00.html (not everyone agrees with Nick.... but the path is following what he predicted and not what they did... so they're, obviously, not as smart as they think they are nor is he as ignorant as they make him out to be... afterall HE'S the mostly self-made billionaire, not them)
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Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
There is no other word for it.
We are trapped - unallowed to leave.
We can’t even be sure how many years we’ve been trapped; we know it’s at least seven, but some of us insist it’s as many as ten. You lose track of the years when every day is a struggle to survive.
When The Wall went up that was it: no one else was allowed out. For awhile they sent supplies but then those stopped, too. We’ve been trapped and abandoned since.
A couple years after The Wall went up people collected into little “clans” to survive. Some, like us, built our own wall from whatever we could find. Even with our wall it will only be a matter of time before something happens and we are all exposed because our wall, unlike theirs, separates us from the resources we will need to survive. They have the luxury of letting us die and rot in here while they stay safe out there while we have to scurry around outside our wall hoping to find something to help us survive one more day.
It’s always about ONE. MORE. DAY.
We don’t have a future, we have only tomorrow – maybe.
Each and every thing we find carries a risk with it. We might desperately need warm clothes but that jacket might be infected. We have no way to tell. Every find is an alloy of fear and hope. We need to hope it’s not carrying the infection; not carrying our death back into the camp. We have no other choice but to hold that hope EVERY TIME.
We think THEY know what the infection is and how to avoid it but they will not share what they know with us. They will not communicate with us in any way. They will not let us out. To them we are already lost. To them we are expendable to protect the “greater humanity.” To them we are an “acceptable loss” to save everyone else. To them we are nothing.
I am a person. Anna is a person. Steve is a person. Bob is a person. WE ARE ALL PEOPLE. We are NOT “acceptable losses.” They sit out there, living, and protecting their HUMANITY by LETTING US DIE AND ROT IN HERE. What good is their fucking humanity if they can live with that?
We are certain the robotic drones that move along the top of The Wall have the ability to see and hear what is happening in here otherwise what would be the point? We all have our bouts of futile hope where we run out and beg to the heavens in the hopes that a passing drone will take notice. We have our moments of hope where we imagine that there is a safety zone ready for us outside the wall, where we can have food and shelter while we wait for them to know we are safe.
The drone never reply. They never acknowledge. They never deviate. They’re probably just robots that are programmed to observe, ignore, and report.
Our pleas go unanswered. Every last one. Every time. If there is anyone watching their hearts are numb to our pain and suffering.
We try to minimize the number of times, and the number of people, we send into the danger of our world, but we cannot eliminate it. Yesterday Don went out to find food and water. Don did not come back. Maybe he is still out there. Maybe he is dead. Maybe he got infected and he is sick and dying. He’s not here and neither are more food and water for us all. He will have until tomorrow before we assume he is dead. We will not search for him because we cannot afford to risk anyone on the hope that someone is out there and alive. Each successive death brings us closer to being unable to sustain ourselves in the meager life that we are achieving in the shadow of THEIR wall. In the shadow of the disease. We live in the shadow of death every day.
Our little encampment is named “Purgatory.” Some of the older people here decided upon the name. About half of the people understand what it means; the rest of us had to have it explained. I still don’t fully understand it: all I understand is that it is waiting place, a place where you are judged before moving on.
Tomorrow we will send someone else out to look for food and water. We used to send two at a time but we no longer have enough people for that. Every journey is a solo mission.
Our only real hope is that they will see our plight and help us before we all die.
Jess went missing but she came back. We were sure she was dead. She said she was hiding from some others. She says they did not see her. She says they found a stray person and did horrible things. She wouldn’t tell us what those things were – she couldn’t because the sobs and crying prevented her from it.
She begged us to not put her in the quarantine tent but those are the rules. EVERYONE has to be quarantined if they are gone too long. It’s for the good of us all. It’s the one lesson that THEY gave us with The Wall. But, unlike them, we let people back out of quarantine after two days. Isolating Jess was hard because we all heard the screams from her nightmares. Whatever she saw was brutal.
We saved some of the food and water Jess found for her – it’s her right to have some of it since she risked her life for it.
We’ve lost three more people: Don never returned. Anna came back sick. We had to refuse her entrance back into the camp. Her death was horrible. We all had to watch it because she wouldn’t go away. Her death is what THEY are scared we will bring to THEM. We know the disease increases the rate of perception, so, what passes as a few hours to us seems like days, or even weeks, of agonizing pain to the infected. It gnaws at the nerve ending and replaces everything with excruciating pain. It usually starts in the fingers and toes and spreads toward the brain, burning every nerve along the way. The luckiest burn up and die quickly, before the disease gets in their brain. Most people convulse and twitch from the pain. Some, the unluckiest, become paralyzed so only their eyes can reflect the pain that they endure for whatever eternity their brain creates for them in the final hours.
This is why the disease is so terrifying; once it’s in you the end has come. The reaper has found you and walks toward you slowly. Most people afflicted chose to kill themselves rather than be ravaged by the disease. Why Anna did not choose this we will never know. When she was denied re-admittance she sat outside and would not speak. She sat for the hours it took for the pain to become intolerable and then she screamed. She screamed for hours until the part of her brain that made the screaming happen was eaten – the silence was no reprieve because we could still see her face contorting in agony as muscles spasmed underneath her skin. We could not help but watch as her body convulsed hard enough to break her bones while she died. Joseph couldn’t handle it so he went out to her. We didn’t let him back in either. He chose to comfort Anna’s empty body in its final moments and he paid the price for it the following day, caught in the same agony that had killed her. He cut his own pain short with a knife through the eye. We all sighed in relief as his screaming was silenced and his blood poured onto the ground.
Including Jess and myself there are five of us left. How long before we starve? Will we make it long enough to worry about freezing in winter? Resources are harder and harder to find and fewer bodies to huddle with means colder nights. Our little garden cannot sustain us in the winter and we haven’t seen any canned goods in months.
We’ve decided to take what we can carry, which is pretty much everything we have, and walk the inside perimeter of The Wall. Maybe we will find a better place to survive for a while. Maybe we will find another group like us. Maybe we will find a more forgiving gatekeeper to the outside world. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Staying here is no longer an option, maybe moving together will be our salvation; maybe it will be our undoing.
Only time will reveal to us the answer.
I am leaving this account, limited as it is, for whomever may one day find it. I want our plight to be remembered. I want people who never had to see the disease ravage their loved ones to know what our deaths looked like. I want the future to remember how those trapped inside were discarded by society out of fear. I want for humanity to do this better next time…. if there is a next time.
The tag for the exhibit is labeled “Journal Fragment of Unknown Plague Victim.”
The book, or rather portion of one, is encapsulated in an environmentally controlled, transparent square. When activated the surfaces of the square display the pages to each observing museum patron at a pace that they control; each entry is available for viewing while leaving the original book completely unmolested by anything outside the nitrogen-filled polymer-metal alloy display case.
Adjacent to the journal fragment is a rudimentary holographic demonstration of the disease progressing through a human body in the most basic of detail. The hologram is almost cartoonish in the way it represents the progression, changing the nerves from a deep forest green into a blazing fire engine red as it creeps, at an accelerating pace, toward the brain. The hologram provides enough basic context for the journal entries to have meaning without imparting the gory details of the plague to those who refuse to enter the larger exhibit.
Behind the holographic display is a door. Above the door is a sign that reads “The Great Neuroplague” and a sign accompanies it on the door that reads, “The contents of this exhibit hall are extremely graphic. The terrible time in which humanity had to take drastic actions to stop the neuroplague to save ourselves from extinction are portrayed in great depth and detail. Enter with great discretion.”
Passing through the doorway and into the full neuroplague exhibit is an experience in itself. The doorway is a polarized holographic field that immediately blocks out the light of the happier portions of the museum, plunging the museum patron into a morbid dimness which, itself, is a prelude to the utter darkness of the times being portrayed. A scanner notes when the patron’s eyes have adjusted to the darkness and a recorded voice is directed, using a hypersound beam, at the patron. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity" starts the tour in Albert Einstein’s voice. A soft light exhales from hidden apparatus to indicate to the patrons the direction of their journey.
The voice conducting the audio tour is a much darker, deeper, and stronger voice than Einstein’s. It carries a hard authority with it, an authority that lacks all compassion. It instills a sense of necessity and stubbornness that can only come from those who “did what they had to do” to survive. The voice’s hardness is an edge that cuts straight into the minds of the patrons to impart the grimness of the decisions they are to witness.
The voice narrates the first station of the exhibit. “The Second Great Depression regressed many of the ‘first world’ nations and left ruins spanning their borders.” The station’s three-dimensional model warps and alters to represent the descent from a prosperous city into one gripped by the plight of the economic horrors of the Second Great Depression. Buildings crumble and decay. The number of homeless people increases dramatically. People hurl themselves from buildings and into traffic.
Homeless people die and rot in the back alleys, with no one to clean up their corpses. The city decays into ruin and the light fades, mimicking a mournful sunset; accompanying the lighting effect are the words “for many the Depression brought the end to their lives; for most hope died and never had a chance to come back. It lapsed into an unending slumber, bringing the sunset of civilization upon the populous.”
As the setting sun effect is completed a transitionary sunrise begins to bloom along the opposite wall, enticing the patron to move forward. Photons pour, lightly at first, with increasing ferocity, from the next presentation. Light rises on the city as it was left in the previous station “fortunately all sunsets bring but a single night before the dawn of the next morning. For humanity this dawn was brought by drastic actions.” The lighted area around the city begins to grow, revealing a countryside that is barren and littered with abandoned farms. “The cycle of economic despair had destroyed the ability of farmers to make food and of anyone to acquire money. Each passing day shrunk the economy more and more as less and less money changed hands. So, the government acquired the farms.” The lighting reaches its peak and the holographic display shows the process of government workers taking control of farms across the entire plain and into the horizon where neighboring cities were barely visible to the museum patron. “There was no money to pay workers so robots were created to seed the fields and tend the crops.” Giant robotic machines are seen planting followed by the time-lapse of crops growing and ripening to be harvested by the robots, then shipped into the cities.
“Harvests were trucked into the cities and the food given to all for free; their taxes would pay for the food so they owned it.” Massive riots are seen to break out initially in the hologram “At first the free food sparked riots as desperate people fought one another to take as much as possible from what they believed would be a singular event. When the trucks returned, time and again, the riots gave way to peaceful lines and, eventually, normal patterns of food distribution that replaced the prosperity enjoyed by nearly all before the economic crash.” The hologram mirrors the words and reaches a point where people, still homeless, are able to enter grocery stores and take what they need to survive without concern. “With the food shortages resolved attention turned to easing abject poverty and lack of housing. The government absorbed abandoned buildings and people were employed to restore the buildings. The finished buildings were provided as housing on a needs basis.” The holographic model displays more and more homeless individuals entering buildings to reemerge clean and properly clothed. First one building, then another, then two more; the geometric growth of the program consumes all of the empty buildings and all of the people. A form of prosperity for everyone displayed in the projection is clearly apparent. “The rebound growth lasted for a generation.” The hologram fades into the darkness.
The third station is timed to draw in the patron as the second station releases their attention. The voice returns amidst the coalescence of the hologram. “It was those who were born into the reformed world who began to reject it. They hungered for more than mere survival, which their parents had been pleased to have. They hungered for larger homes and more things. They, more quickly than the survivors could imagine, forgot the lessons of poverty and hungered for more.” The city shifts and the emergence of things, useless trinkets and toys, gadgets and distractions, become visible in the possession of more and more of the younger generation in the hologram. “Soon they hungered for more information so they restored the internet and rebuilt the vast array of information that could be shared across it.” The accompanying holographic display perfectly illustrates the idea of restoring the massive information platform that existed before the great crash. It highlights the paths between people and homes with an illuminated grid of lines, tracing how the information flows. “The network regrew rapidly. With each new node being attached more information became more available and more work could be done faster. It took five years to restore all operations of interconnectivity to the world.” The holographic display of everything except the network retreats, fading into nothingness. The network warps and bends until it is apparent that the patron is seeing the interconnected paths of the global network as it spans a spinning globe. Satellites are seen to come online, one after the other, allowing for the communication beams to reach around the globe. Then, much like a planet that the entire blue-green luminescent map distorts and appears to be pulled into a funnel, much like a planet that touches the event horizon of a singularity; the light streaking through the darkness to the next station where it swirls into a single point.
The display presents the outline of a smartphone as the core access to the world network; data pouring into its little screen and bleeding outward, forming the rest of the phone, then the hand holding it, then the arm, and washing into an entire scene of a busy street with hundreds of people of many ages. A generational gap is hinted at, showing a divergence in mobile phone usage between the youngest and the eldest of the people. “The network allowed for a restored level of connectivity with those who are far away and a renewed ability to be isolated from those physically near us whom we have no affinity for.” The display zooms out and the world spins away from the patron. The people shrink until they are no longer visible but it is clear that they are, in all the cities, going through the same reawakening. “We brought prosperity to the entire world as we rebuilt it. The destruction of society made it possible to build a newer, better society with a greater level of equality and a higher standard of living for everyone.” The world slowly stops spinning and one individual walks out of the hologram toward the patrons, growing in size at a rate that gives the illusion that every step spans miles of distance. When the hologram steps out of the exhibit to join the patron the station goes dark and the hologram walks down the hallway, indicating that the patrons should follow it.
Matching the voice’s words the imagery morphs around the patrons.
The corridor’s walls begin to show the imagery that corresponds to the voice’s words “Humanity’s hunger proved, again, to be unending. The lessons of poverty and starvation never last so we hungered for more. We followed the previous technological revolution from before the Second Depression by building our gadgets smaller and smaller until we began to implant them directly. At first, the implants were functional; designed to help people who were deformed or defective or had been seriously damaged. But that wasn’t enough. We moved from medical implants... to unnecessary replacements... to convenient replacements for artistic expression in the form of replaced and altered body parts.” The display reflects a sea of people about two-thirds of whom appear fully human; the remainder have various modifications that bring them past human into the realm of transhumanism. There are men and women with tentacles instead of arms and individuals whose faces are completely replaced; there are people with replacement eyes and ears, people with robot arms; the variations span the depths of the imagination of the programmers of the holograms. The hallway appears to reach a dead-end and the holographic guide stop and turns around “We had ceased to be all-human; we were now a divided culture. Cyborgs and mankind living beside each other, intermingling. Conservative fear sparked and grew, consuming the unmodified humans. A radical movement sprung up to voice disdain over optional cybernizing. It sparked editorials and sermons, protests and attempts at legislation. When none of these stopped the tide of people upgrading themselves the violence began.” As the last sentence surrounds the patrons a new hologram steps through the wall to the right and begins to beat the cyborg guide. The cyborg fights back and others join the fight. The fight pushes through the wall to the left and reveals that the exhibit continues that way. The regular humans overwhelm the cyborg and beat it into submission, a broken pile of parts soaked in blood; its face unrecognizable as anything more than a bloody mass of destroyed flesh, bone and cartilage leavoing the one biological eye hanging by the optical nerve to stare at the ground and the river of blood pouring across the pavement. A hologram of an unmodified humans stumbles forward, highlighting the path that the patron is to walk, before it collapsing, spilling the remainder of its blood on the floor. In the momentary pause provided by the exhibit the human’s injuries are clearly visible; it is clear that the modified people fought back hard, inflicting massive damage to their attackers. “We humans have never been good at learning the lesson of violence. The violence against the cyborgs begot retaliatory violence that, in turn, escalated the situation. The violence grew and grew. Despite some unenhanced humans defending the cyborgs out of principle the violent tide washed upon the shores of humanity and brought, again, warfare fueled by hatred.” The holographic exhibit generates the illusion of the dead human shrinking, as though moving away rapidly, at an alarming rate to become a small part of a city block in the middle of a riot. Fighting between the two groups is happening in various places. Graffiti present on the walls depicts both sides claiming the superior moral stance. “The fighting was not contained by by any political boundary. It spread rapidly. It spread around the globe in a matter of days as the extremes from each side sought to avenge the atrocities committed by the other. Like so many situations before this became a war of terrorist tactics where each side flailed against the oppression of the extremists on the other without any regard for the people trying to stay out of the conflict.”
The pattern of violence shifts in the display, generating what appears to be a “front line” of battle. “Neither side could be victorious and everyone knew it.” The fighting in the streets fades to a variety of scenes with energetic representatives of each faction arguing and talking over conference tables. “The extremists from each side concluded that segregation was the only solution for peace and so it began. Tired of the fighting, soldiers of the warring groups resigned themselves to separation for the greater good.” The display shows region after region of segregated zones with empty “no man’s land” zones in between. Few people cross through the central strip and most are left undisturbed so long as they leave violence behind them.
“The uneasy peace was not enough for those who wanted to preserve ‘God’s creation.’ Their religious messaging persisted even though the majority of the violence had stopped.” A perspective shift brings the patrons from an overhead view of the segregated zones into the heart of a protest group within an unmodified zone. They hold signs that carry anti-modification messages of varying strengths. Phrases such as “God gave arms, not tentacles” and “It’s a sin to throw your body away” shared space with messages of continued violence to “wipe out the soulless cyborg” and “cleanse the earth of technodevils.” The text on the signs detach and float into the air around the patrons to be joined with hundreds of variations of the anticyborg messaging. Those formless letters turn into a fluttering of pamphlets as the voice continues. “No one knows, for sure, where it came from nor do we know, for sure, if it was actually engineered. What we do know is that there was a concerted worldwide message of anticyborgism followed closely by the first appearance of the neuroplague.” The pamphlets settle, creating an image of Rome, with the Vatican clearly visible in the center of the display. “The first cases appeared in Rome.” The city display rotates and whisks the viewer’s perception inward and around corners to a specific coffee house where it fades into actual footage from the CCTV that witnessed the event. “The infection happens quickly. First the victims have a burning sensation in the extremities which clearly grows in severity. This is caused by the nerve endings at the edges of their implants lighting the pain receptors in their brains. The agony grows as the infection spreads such that spasms wrack the musculature of the victims, distorting their faces and bodies. This footage, taken from the security cameras of Incident 0, shows how quickly the infection spread from the site of the implants into the remaining tissue. A few seconds casts the victim from initial symptoms to the convulsive death throes. You can see that humanity is not entirely dead as it is apparent that some rush over to help the victims while others run. The most horrifying part is that the cyborgs that attempted to help became infected themselves. It is from them that we determined the incubation time for this disease.” The CCTV footage retreats down the walkway, enticing the patron to follow. Each cyborg that attempted to help is captured and a still of their image is pulled away from the rolling film.
“Four days later the cyborgs that attempted to assist the patients 0 collapse in writhing agony where they stand” Four additional screens appear, each showing one of the four, adjacent to their still image, falling where they stood and being consumed by the raging pain. “Their suffering elicits the attention of others who attempt to help, getting infected in the process.” The original video fades into nothing. Each of the cyborgs that attempt to help are pulled out of the video and spun off into their own display and those displays split to show the next tier of the infected. “The spread was unprecedented. This pandemic was 100% fatal. Every exposed cyborg had their neural tissue devoured from the implants toward the brain until only death halted the progression.”
All of the screens go dark at once. “For two years the best scientists in the world studied the disease in an effort to find a means to stop it, treat it, cure it. Anything. Two full years the world existed in the dark time created by the CyberPlague.” A tiny dot of light appears, accompanied by hopeful words “Eventually the study bore fruit. The pathogen was isolated and all of the infection vectors determined. We assume that it must have been engineered because it worked too well, too efficiently, too fast but no individual or group ever claimed responsibility for it. The root cause of the CyberPlague was a tailor-made retrovirus. As communicable and resilient as a general ‘cold’ virus but invisible to the immune systems of the cyborgs because of the special exterior coating that it produces for itself. This coating” the hologram grows and highlights the various anatomy of the virus as the narration outlines the functions “mimics the biological response to where the flesh meets the implants. The body sees the virus as part of the implants and, therefore, ‘self’ so it ignores it.”
The hologram slides the hand-sized virus cell closer to a giant body, which spans the wall and hallway ahead. “When the CyberPlague virus enters the system it seeks out cells of the body that are part of the immune system.” The viewer is enticed to follow the cell into the body and down the hallway by the changing hologram “Upon locating a victim cell it attaches to it and rips out the cell’s DNA. The CyberPlague worked within its victims in much the same way that the HIV virus degraded the immune system of its host in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The newly emptied cell has virus DNA copied into it before the virus detaches and floats along, seeking a new cell to infect.” The holographic display shows a second immune cell being infected and the virus detaching again. The immune cell is made the focus of the hologram and the patron is led to follow it along. “The cell creates a hard coating which the blood will dissolve, a process that takes four days. During this time the cell is programming itself to attack the very biological element that prevents its detection in the first place; the same element that prevents the body from rejecting implants. If that were all it did the death toll would have been very small. Instead the virus continued to act. The first stages of the sickness are the uncomfortable itching sensation as the reprogrammed immune cells attack the places where the implants meet the flesh. This discomfort grows exponentially as more cells are infected and call for more cells to fight the infection. The immune response cycles into an uncontrollable feedback loop of inflammation and tissue damage.”
The hologram shifts to real footage of the medical processes being described. “The critical danger, though, comes after. When the tissue that is married to the implants is fully under attack the remaining immune cells shift to the nerves that connect to the implants. We do not know, and likely never will know, if this was intentional. As each successive nerve ending is compromised the immune cells continue to move along to the next. The CyberPlague moves in this fashion throughout the body, tracing the entire neural network from the implant site past the brain stem and up into the cerebral cortex. Few sufferers managed to remain coherent during the process of consumption; each provided a description of the sensation. The activation of the nerve endings for pain induced an experience that they, universally, described as being immolated. Upon the destruction of the upper brain functions the disease continues to devour the neural tissues until the autonomic functions cease; letting the remainder of the body expire from lack of any brain tissue.”
The hologram fades and a series of videos of people actually dying from the disease become the beacons for the patrons to follow. “During the two years it took us to isolate the CyberPlague nearly 3 billion cyborgs died. People with medically-necessary implants also died. Unenhanced humans did not contract the virus. Cyborg communities walled themselves off and refused admittance to any strangers with an implant in an effort to ensure the safety of those already inside.” The videos change back to a hologram showing the erection of walls around communities. “At first this worked. Three years later, though, a change occurred: unenhanced individuals had begun to carry the virus without being infected. A single infected, non-enhanced person entering a cyborg community could kill them all within a week. Word of this spread around the globe within days of the first incident occurring; an incident in which a delivery driver carried the neuroplague into a community. The cyborg community was devastated. Their efforts to survive were no longer effective. Any stranger was suspect.” The hologram shows the delivery driver entering a community, unloading supplies, exchanging payment for the supplies and leaving. He drives to the next town while the cyborg community thrashes in pain and all die.
“The real threat to the existence of all humanity came a year later. An unenhanced human, known to be a carrier of the CyberPlague, was involved in an accident where metal became embedded in their arm and required extraction by medical professionals. The emergency room staff sedated her and began the work of extracting the metal when she woke up screaming.” The hologram switches to the security feed from the hospital. “The injury had triggered the virus and it was consuming her nerves from the injury upward toward her brain. The fire of the pain burned through the anesthesia and woke her. As you can see the pain was traumatic and her body thrashed about the table uncontrollably. She was the first unenhanced human to jump from being a carrier to being afflicted by the CyberPlague. She was not the last.” The hologram splits and shows another, and then another, and then another, each splitting multiple times as the CyberPlague traverses the unenhanced population at the same rate that it ripped through the cyborg population. “The CyberPlague had mutated. It was now a NeuroPlague that required no implants or foreign bodies to attack humanity. The NeruoPlague had become the single-greatest threat our species had ever witnessed.”
“I am Brigadier General Alexander Coombs. I am the one who made the decision to wall the safe places off and exclude entry by anyone. I created the inverted quarantine zones. I saved tens of millions of people. I also ordered the construction of the quarantine zones and walled tens of millions of people whose infection status was unknown inside them. I may have saved tens of millions of people but I left tens of millions to die from the NeuroPlague to do so. I did it to save our species from death at the hands of this terrible disease, this weapon. This instrument of hate would have wiped every last one of us off the earth had drastic action not been taken. I knew then that I would be the most hated man on earth for the hard decision I made. I also have faith that, someday, history will acknowledge the heroism in my decision and give me the forgiveness that I will never be able to give myself.”
The hologram dissolves and the floor loses its opacity revealing a scene below. “What you are now standing over is the encampment where we found the journal you saw encased outside the full exhibit. 20 years after the last case of the NeuroPlague we allowed anthropologists into the abandoned lands and the quarantine zones to see what they could find. We found thousands of these encampments spread across the land. Many had the remains of people scattered about them; some had obviously died writhing in pain, others had died at their own hand. We even discovered walled off villages with a few survivors whose anger and hatred toward us made it impossible to approach them. The disease, it appears, has exhausted itself. Humanity is safe and we, once again, are free to roam the surface of the world.”
The floor regained its opacity and a doorway slowly illuminated, presenting the hallway where the exhibit entrance was to be found.
The pair of patrons exit the exhibit and stepped back into the hallway. “Fascinating,” the taller one states, “this species appears to have exterminated itself in a war over whether or not their mythology would approve of merging with their technology.”
“Agreed. This truly is fascinating. Our report will make for a very interesting experience. If only we could transport this entire shrine to their survival with us when we return. It is a much greater experience than our recording of it can be.” The shorter one replied.
“Agreed. We will have to accept only the recording and the other evidence that shows that the NeuroPlague was not extinct as the exhibit outlined. Finding this shrine is fortuitous as it would have taken decades to determine the cause of their extinction without it. We shall make it a cautionary tale for other developing worlds in the future.”
With those final words the two beings of gray skin and black eyes, touch buttons on their wrists and flash out of existence. The sounds of nature, uninterrupted by the extinction of mankind, continue outside the walls of the indomitable structure of the Museum of Modern Human History.
There is no other word for it.
We are trapped - unallowed to leave.
We can’t even be sure how many years we’ve been trapped; we know it’s at least seven, but some of us insist it’s as many as ten. You lose track of the years when every day is a struggle to survive.
When The Wall went up that was it: no one else was allowed out. For awhile they sent supplies but then those stopped, too. We’ve been trapped and abandoned since.
A couple years after The Wall went up people collected into little “clans” to survive. Some, like us, built our own wall from whatever we could find. Even with our wall it will only be a matter of time before something happens and we are all exposed because our wall, unlike theirs, separates us from the resources we will need to survive. They have the luxury of letting us die and rot in here while they stay safe out there while we have to scurry around outside our wall hoping to find something to help us survive one more day.
It’s always about ONE. MORE. DAY.
We don’t have a future, we have only tomorrow – maybe.
Each and every thing we find carries a risk with it. We might desperately need warm clothes but that jacket might be infected. We have no way to tell. Every find is an alloy of fear and hope. We need to hope it’s not carrying the infection; not carrying our death back into the camp. We have no other choice but to hold that hope EVERY TIME.
We think THEY know what the infection is and how to avoid it but they will not share what they know with us. They will not communicate with us in any way. They will not let us out. To them we are already lost. To them we are expendable to protect the “greater humanity.” To them we are an “acceptable loss” to save everyone else. To them we are nothing.
I am a person. Anna is a person. Steve is a person. Bob is a person. WE ARE ALL PEOPLE. We are NOT “acceptable losses.” They sit out there, living, and protecting their HUMANITY by LETTING US DIE AND ROT IN HERE. What good is their fucking humanity if they can live with that?
We are certain the robotic drones that move along the top of The Wall have the ability to see and hear what is happening in here otherwise what would be the point? We all have our bouts of futile hope where we run out and beg to the heavens in the hopes that a passing drone will take notice. We have our moments of hope where we imagine that there is a safety zone ready for us outside the wall, where we can have food and shelter while we wait for them to know we are safe.
The drone never reply. They never acknowledge. They never deviate. They’re probably just robots that are programmed to observe, ignore, and report.
Our pleas go unanswered. Every last one. Every time. If there is anyone watching their hearts are numb to our pain and suffering.
We try to minimize the number of times, and the number of people, we send into the danger of our world, but we cannot eliminate it. Yesterday Don went out to find food and water. Don did not come back. Maybe he is still out there. Maybe he is dead. Maybe he got infected and he is sick and dying. He’s not here and neither are more food and water for us all. He will have until tomorrow before we assume he is dead. We will not search for him because we cannot afford to risk anyone on the hope that someone is out there and alive. Each successive death brings us closer to being unable to sustain ourselves in the meager life that we are achieving in the shadow of THEIR wall. In the shadow of the disease. We live in the shadow of death every day.
Our little encampment is named “Purgatory.” Some of the older people here decided upon the name. About half of the people understand what it means; the rest of us had to have it explained. I still don’t fully understand it: all I understand is that it is waiting place, a place where you are judged before moving on.
Tomorrow we will send someone else out to look for food and water. We used to send two at a time but we no longer have enough people for that. Every journey is a solo mission.
Our only real hope is that they will see our plight and help us before we all die.
Jess went missing but she came back. We were sure she was dead. She said she was hiding from some others. She says they did not see her. She says they found a stray person and did horrible things. She wouldn’t tell us what those things were – she couldn’t because the sobs and crying prevented her from it.
She begged us to not put her in the quarantine tent but those are the rules. EVERYONE has to be quarantined if they are gone too long. It’s for the good of us all. It’s the one lesson that THEY gave us with The Wall. But, unlike them, we let people back out of quarantine after two days. Isolating Jess was hard because we all heard the screams from her nightmares. Whatever she saw was brutal.
We saved some of the food and water Jess found for her – it’s her right to have some of it since she risked her life for it.
We’ve lost three more people: Don never returned. Anna came back sick. We had to refuse her entrance back into the camp. Her death was horrible. We all had to watch it because she wouldn’t go away. Her death is what THEY are scared we will bring to THEM. We know the disease increases the rate of perception, so, what passes as a few hours to us seems like days, or even weeks, of agonizing pain to the infected. It gnaws at the nerve ending and replaces everything with excruciating pain. It usually starts in the fingers and toes and spreads toward the brain, burning every nerve along the way. The luckiest burn up and die quickly, before the disease gets in their brain. Most people convulse and twitch from the pain. Some, the unluckiest, become paralyzed so only their eyes can reflect the pain that they endure for whatever eternity their brain creates for them in the final hours.
This is why the disease is so terrifying; once it’s in you the end has come. The reaper has found you and walks toward you slowly. Most people afflicted chose to kill themselves rather than be ravaged by the disease. Why Anna did not choose this we will never know. When she was denied re-admittance she sat outside and would not speak. She sat for the hours it took for the pain to become intolerable and then she screamed. She screamed for hours until the part of her brain that made the screaming happen was eaten – the silence was no reprieve because we could still see her face contorting in agony as muscles spasmed underneath her skin. We could not help but watch as her body convulsed hard enough to break her bones while she died. Joseph couldn’t handle it so he went out to her. We didn’t let him back in either. He chose to comfort Anna’s empty body in its final moments and he paid the price for it the following day, caught in the same agony that had killed her. He cut his own pain short with a knife through the eye. We all sighed in relief as his screaming was silenced and his blood poured onto the ground.
Including Jess and myself there are five of us left. How long before we starve? Will we make it long enough to worry about freezing in winter? Resources are harder and harder to find and fewer bodies to huddle with means colder nights. Our little garden cannot sustain us in the winter and we haven’t seen any canned goods in months.
We’ve decided to take what we can carry, which is pretty much everything we have, and walk the inside perimeter of The Wall. Maybe we will find a better place to survive for a while. Maybe we will find another group like us. Maybe we will find a more forgiving gatekeeper to the outside world. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Staying here is no longer an option, maybe moving together will be our salvation; maybe it will be our undoing.
Only time will reveal to us the answer.
I am leaving this account, limited as it is, for whomever may one day find it. I want our plight to be remembered. I want people who never had to see the disease ravage their loved ones to know what our deaths looked like. I want the future to remember how those trapped inside were discarded by society out of fear. I want for humanity to do this better next time…. if there is a next time.
The tag for the exhibit is labeled “Journal Fragment of Unknown Plague Victim.”
The book, or rather portion of one, is encapsulated in an environmentally controlled, transparent square. When activated the surfaces of the square display the pages to each observing museum patron at a pace that they control; each entry is available for viewing while leaving the original book completely unmolested by anything outside the nitrogen-filled polymer-metal alloy display case.
Adjacent to the journal fragment is a rudimentary holographic demonstration of the disease progressing through a human body in the most basic of detail. The hologram is almost cartoonish in the way it represents the progression, changing the nerves from a deep forest green into a blazing fire engine red as it creeps, at an accelerating pace, toward the brain. The hologram provides enough basic context for the journal entries to have meaning without imparting the gory details of the plague to those who refuse to enter the larger exhibit.
Behind the holographic display is a door. Above the door is a sign that reads “The Great Neuroplague” and a sign accompanies it on the door that reads, “The contents of this exhibit hall are extremely graphic. The terrible time in which humanity had to take drastic actions to stop the neuroplague to save ourselves from extinction are portrayed in great depth and detail. Enter with great discretion.”
Passing through the doorway and into the full neuroplague exhibit is an experience in itself. The doorway is a polarized holographic field that immediately blocks out the light of the happier portions of the museum, plunging the museum patron into a morbid dimness which, itself, is a prelude to the utter darkness of the times being portrayed. A scanner notes when the patron’s eyes have adjusted to the darkness and a recorded voice is directed, using a hypersound beam, at the patron. "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity" starts the tour in Albert Einstein’s voice. A soft light exhales from hidden apparatus to indicate to the patrons the direction of their journey.
The voice conducting the audio tour is a much darker, deeper, and stronger voice than Einstein’s. It carries a hard authority with it, an authority that lacks all compassion. It instills a sense of necessity and stubbornness that can only come from those who “did what they had to do” to survive. The voice’s hardness is an edge that cuts straight into the minds of the patrons to impart the grimness of the decisions they are to witness.
The voice narrates the first station of the exhibit. “The Second Great Depression regressed many of the ‘first world’ nations and left ruins spanning their borders.” The station’s three-dimensional model warps and alters to represent the descent from a prosperous city into one gripped by the plight of the economic horrors of the Second Great Depression. Buildings crumble and decay. The number of homeless people increases dramatically. People hurl themselves from buildings and into traffic.
Homeless people die and rot in the back alleys, with no one to clean up their corpses. The city decays into ruin and the light fades, mimicking a mournful sunset; accompanying the lighting effect are the words “for many the Depression brought the end to their lives; for most hope died and never had a chance to come back. It lapsed into an unending slumber, bringing the sunset of civilization upon the populous.”
As the setting sun effect is completed a transitionary sunrise begins to bloom along the opposite wall, enticing the patron to move forward. Photons pour, lightly at first, with increasing ferocity, from the next presentation. Light rises on the city as it was left in the previous station “fortunately all sunsets bring but a single night before the dawn of the next morning. For humanity this dawn was brought by drastic actions.” The lighted area around the city begins to grow, revealing a countryside that is barren and littered with abandoned farms. “The cycle of economic despair had destroyed the ability of farmers to make food and of anyone to acquire money. Each passing day shrunk the economy more and more as less and less money changed hands. So, the government acquired the farms.” The lighting reaches its peak and the holographic display shows the process of government workers taking control of farms across the entire plain and into the horizon where neighboring cities were barely visible to the museum patron. “There was no money to pay workers so robots were created to seed the fields and tend the crops.” Giant robotic machines are seen planting followed by the time-lapse of crops growing and ripening to be harvested by the robots, then shipped into the cities.
“Harvests were trucked into the cities and the food given to all for free; their taxes would pay for the food so they owned it.” Massive riots are seen to break out initially in the hologram “At first the free food sparked riots as desperate people fought one another to take as much as possible from what they believed would be a singular event. When the trucks returned, time and again, the riots gave way to peaceful lines and, eventually, normal patterns of food distribution that replaced the prosperity enjoyed by nearly all before the economic crash.” The hologram mirrors the words and reaches a point where people, still homeless, are able to enter grocery stores and take what they need to survive without concern. “With the food shortages resolved attention turned to easing abject poverty and lack of housing. The government absorbed abandoned buildings and people were employed to restore the buildings. The finished buildings were provided as housing on a needs basis.” The holographic model displays more and more homeless individuals entering buildings to reemerge clean and properly clothed. First one building, then another, then two more; the geometric growth of the program consumes all of the empty buildings and all of the people. A form of prosperity for everyone displayed in the projection is clearly apparent. “The rebound growth lasted for a generation.” The hologram fades into the darkness.
The third station is timed to draw in the patron as the second station releases their attention. The voice returns amidst the coalescence of the hologram. “It was those who were born into the reformed world who began to reject it. They hungered for more than mere survival, which their parents had been pleased to have. They hungered for larger homes and more things. They, more quickly than the survivors could imagine, forgot the lessons of poverty and hungered for more.” The city shifts and the emergence of things, useless trinkets and toys, gadgets and distractions, become visible in the possession of more and more of the younger generation in the hologram. “Soon they hungered for more information so they restored the internet and rebuilt the vast array of information that could be shared across it.” The accompanying holographic display perfectly illustrates the idea of restoring the massive information platform that existed before the great crash. It highlights the paths between people and homes with an illuminated grid of lines, tracing how the information flows. “The network regrew rapidly. With each new node being attached more information became more available and more work could be done faster. It took five years to restore all operations of interconnectivity to the world.” The holographic display of everything except the network retreats, fading into nothingness. The network warps and bends until it is apparent that the patron is seeing the interconnected paths of the global network as it spans a spinning globe. Satellites are seen to come online, one after the other, allowing for the communication beams to reach around the globe. Then, much like a planet that the entire blue-green luminescent map distorts and appears to be pulled into a funnel, much like a planet that touches the event horizon of a singularity; the light streaking through the darkness to the next station where it swirls into a single point.
The display presents the outline of a smartphone as the core access to the world network; data pouring into its little screen and bleeding outward, forming the rest of the phone, then the hand holding it, then the arm, and washing into an entire scene of a busy street with hundreds of people of many ages. A generational gap is hinted at, showing a divergence in mobile phone usage between the youngest and the eldest of the people. “The network allowed for a restored level of connectivity with those who are far away and a renewed ability to be isolated from those physically near us whom we have no affinity for.” The display zooms out and the world spins away from the patron. The people shrink until they are no longer visible but it is clear that they are, in all the cities, going through the same reawakening. “We brought prosperity to the entire world as we rebuilt it. The destruction of society made it possible to build a newer, better society with a greater level of equality and a higher standard of living for everyone.” The world slowly stops spinning and one individual walks out of the hologram toward the patrons, growing in size at a rate that gives the illusion that every step spans miles of distance. When the hologram steps out of the exhibit to join the patron the station goes dark and the hologram walks down the hallway, indicating that the patrons should follow it.
Matching the voice’s words the imagery morphs around the patrons.
The corridor’s walls begin to show the imagery that corresponds to the voice’s words “Humanity’s hunger proved, again, to be unending. The lessons of poverty and starvation never last so we hungered for more. We followed the previous technological revolution from before the Second Depression by building our gadgets smaller and smaller until we began to implant them directly. At first, the implants were functional; designed to help people who were deformed or defective or had been seriously damaged. But that wasn’t enough. We moved from medical implants... to unnecessary replacements... to convenient replacements for artistic expression in the form of replaced and altered body parts.” The display reflects a sea of people about two-thirds of whom appear fully human; the remainder have various modifications that bring them past human into the realm of transhumanism. There are men and women with tentacles instead of arms and individuals whose faces are completely replaced; there are people with replacement eyes and ears, people with robot arms; the variations span the depths of the imagination of the programmers of the holograms. The hallway appears to reach a dead-end and the holographic guide stop and turns around “We had ceased to be all-human; we were now a divided culture. Cyborgs and mankind living beside each other, intermingling. Conservative fear sparked and grew, consuming the unmodified humans. A radical movement sprung up to voice disdain over optional cybernizing. It sparked editorials and sermons, protests and attempts at legislation. When none of these stopped the tide of people upgrading themselves the violence began.” As the last sentence surrounds the patrons a new hologram steps through the wall to the right and begins to beat the cyborg guide. The cyborg fights back and others join the fight. The fight pushes through the wall to the left and reveals that the exhibit continues that way. The regular humans overwhelm the cyborg and beat it into submission, a broken pile of parts soaked in blood; its face unrecognizable as anything more than a bloody mass of destroyed flesh, bone and cartilage leavoing the one biological eye hanging by the optical nerve to stare at the ground and the river of blood pouring across the pavement. A hologram of an unmodified humans stumbles forward, highlighting the path that the patron is to walk, before it collapsing, spilling the remainder of its blood on the floor. In the momentary pause provided by the exhibit the human’s injuries are clearly visible; it is clear that the modified people fought back hard, inflicting massive damage to their attackers. “We humans have never been good at learning the lesson of violence. The violence against the cyborgs begot retaliatory violence that, in turn, escalated the situation. The violence grew and grew. Despite some unenhanced humans defending the cyborgs out of principle the violent tide washed upon the shores of humanity and brought, again, warfare fueled by hatred.” The holographic exhibit generates the illusion of the dead human shrinking, as though moving away rapidly, at an alarming rate to become a small part of a city block in the middle of a riot. Fighting between the two groups is happening in various places. Graffiti present on the walls depicts both sides claiming the superior moral stance. “The fighting was not contained by by any political boundary. It spread rapidly. It spread around the globe in a matter of days as the extremes from each side sought to avenge the atrocities committed by the other. Like so many situations before this became a war of terrorist tactics where each side flailed against the oppression of the extremists on the other without any regard for the people trying to stay out of the conflict.”
The pattern of violence shifts in the display, generating what appears to be a “front line” of battle. “Neither side could be victorious and everyone knew it.” The fighting in the streets fades to a variety of scenes with energetic representatives of each faction arguing and talking over conference tables. “The extremists from each side concluded that segregation was the only solution for peace and so it began. Tired of the fighting, soldiers of the warring groups resigned themselves to separation for the greater good.” The display shows region after region of segregated zones with empty “no man’s land” zones in between. Few people cross through the central strip and most are left undisturbed so long as they leave violence behind them.
“The uneasy peace was not enough for those who wanted to preserve ‘God’s creation.’ Their religious messaging persisted even though the majority of the violence had stopped.” A perspective shift brings the patrons from an overhead view of the segregated zones into the heart of a protest group within an unmodified zone. They hold signs that carry anti-modification messages of varying strengths. Phrases such as “God gave arms, not tentacles” and “It’s a sin to throw your body away” shared space with messages of continued violence to “wipe out the soulless cyborg” and “cleanse the earth of technodevils.” The text on the signs detach and float into the air around the patrons to be joined with hundreds of variations of the anticyborg messaging. Those formless letters turn into a fluttering of pamphlets as the voice continues. “No one knows, for sure, where it came from nor do we know, for sure, if it was actually engineered. What we do know is that there was a concerted worldwide message of anticyborgism followed closely by the first appearance of the neuroplague.” The pamphlets settle, creating an image of Rome, with the Vatican clearly visible in the center of the display. “The first cases appeared in Rome.” The city display rotates and whisks the viewer’s perception inward and around corners to a specific coffee house where it fades into actual footage from the CCTV that witnessed the event. “The infection happens quickly. First the victims have a burning sensation in the extremities which clearly grows in severity. This is caused by the nerve endings at the edges of their implants lighting the pain receptors in their brains. The agony grows as the infection spreads such that spasms wrack the musculature of the victims, distorting their faces and bodies. This footage, taken from the security cameras of Incident 0, shows how quickly the infection spread from the site of the implants into the remaining tissue. A few seconds casts the victim from initial symptoms to the convulsive death throes. You can see that humanity is not entirely dead as it is apparent that some rush over to help the victims while others run. The most horrifying part is that the cyborgs that attempted to help became infected themselves. It is from them that we determined the incubation time for this disease.” The CCTV footage retreats down the walkway, enticing the patron to follow. Each cyborg that attempted to help is captured and a still of their image is pulled away from the rolling film.
“Four days later the cyborgs that attempted to assist the patients 0 collapse in writhing agony where they stand” Four additional screens appear, each showing one of the four, adjacent to their still image, falling where they stood and being consumed by the raging pain. “Their suffering elicits the attention of others who attempt to help, getting infected in the process.” The original video fades into nothing. Each of the cyborgs that attempt to help are pulled out of the video and spun off into their own display and those displays split to show the next tier of the infected. “The spread was unprecedented. This pandemic was 100% fatal. Every exposed cyborg had their neural tissue devoured from the implants toward the brain until only death halted the progression.”
All of the screens go dark at once. “For two years the best scientists in the world studied the disease in an effort to find a means to stop it, treat it, cure it. Anything. Two full years the world existed in the dark time created by the CyberPlague.” A tiny dot of light appears, accompanied by hopeful words “Eventually the study bore fruit. The pathogen was isolated and all of the infection vectors determined. We assume that it must have been engineered because it worked too well, too efficiently, too fast but no individual or group ever claimed responsibility for it. The root cause of the CyberPlague was a tailor-made retrovirus. As communicable and resilient as a general ‘cold’ virus but invisible to the immune systems of the cyborgs because of the special exterior coating that it produces for itself. This coating” the hologram grows and highlights the various anatomy of the virus as the narration outlines the functions “mimics the biological response to where the flesh meets the implants. The body sees the virus as part of the implants and, therefore, ‘self’ so it ignores it.”
The hologram slides the hand-sized virus cell closer to a giant body, which spans the wall and hallway ahead. “When the CyberPlague virus enters the system it seeks out cells of the body that are part of the immune system.” The viewer is enticed to follow the cell into the body and down the hallway by the changing hologram “Upon locating a victim cell it attaches to it and rips out the cell’s DNA. The CyberPlague worked within its victims in much the same way that the HIV virus degraded the immune system of its host in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The newly emptied cell has virus DNA copied into it before the virus detaches and floats along, seeking a new cell to infect.” The holographic display shows a second immune cell being infected and the virus detaching again. The immune cell is made the focus of the hologram and the patron is led to follow it along. “The cell creates a hard coating which the blood will dissolve, a process that takes four days. During this time the cell is programming itself to attack the very biological element that prevents its detection in the first place; the same element that prevents the body from rejecting implants. If that were all it did the death toll would have been very small. Instead the virus continued to act. The first stages of the sickness are the uncomfortable itching sensation as the reprogrammed immune cells attack the places where the implants meet the flesh. This discomfort grows exponentially as more cells are infected and call for more cells to fight the infection. The immune response cycles into an uncontrollable feedback loop of inflammation and tissue damage.”
The hologram shifts to real footage of the medical processes being described. “The critical danger, though, comes after. When the tissue that is married to the implants is fully under attack the remaining immune cells shift to the nerves that connect to the implants. We do not know, and likely never will know, if this was intentional. As each successive nerve ending is compromised the immune cells continue to move along to the next. The CyberPlague moves in this fashion throughout the body, tracing the entire neural network from the implant site past the brain stem and up into the cerebral cortex. Few sufferers managed to remain coherent during the process of consumption; each provided a description of the sensation. The activation of the nerve endings for pain induced an experience that they, universally, described as being immolated. Upon the destruction of the upper brain functions the disease continues to devour the neural tissues until the autonomic functions cease; letting the remainder of the body expire from lack of any brain tissue.”
The hologram fades and a series of videos of people actually dying from the disease become the beacons for the patrons to follow. “During the two years it took us to isolate the CyberPlague nearly 3 billion cyborgs died. People with medically-necessary implants also died. Unenhanced humans did not contract the virus. Cyborg communities walled themselves off and refused admittance to any strangers with an implant in an effort to ensure the safety of those already inside.” The videos change back to a hologram showing the erection of walls around communities. “At first this worked. Three years later, though, a change occurred: unenhanced individuals had begun to carry the virus without being infected. A single infected, non-enhanced person entering a cyborg community could kill them all within a week. Word of this spread around the globe within days of the first incident occurring; an incident in which a delivery driver carried the neuroplague into a community. The cyborg community was devastated. Their efforts to survive were no longer effective. Any stranger was suspect.” The hologram shows the delivery driver entering a community, unloading supplies, exchanging payment for the supplies and leaving. He drives to the next town while the cyborg community thrashes in pain and all die.
“The real threat to the existence of all humanity came a year later. An unenhanced human, known to be a carrier of the CyberPlague, was involved in an accident where metal became embedded in their arm and required extraction by medical professionals. The emergency room staff sedated her and began the work of extracting the metal when she woke up screaming.” The hologram switches to the security feed from the hospital. “The injury had triggered the virus and it was consuming her nerves from the injury upward toward her brain. The fire of the pain burned through the anesthesia and woke her. As you can see the pain was traumatic and her body thrashed about the table uncontrollably. She was the first unenhanced human to jump from being a carrier to being afflicted by the CyberPlague. She was not the last.” The hologram splits and shows another, and then another, and then another, each splitting multiple times as the CyberPlague traverses the unenhanced population at the same rate that it ripped through the cyborg population. “The CyberPlague had mutated. It was now a NeuroPlague that required no implants or foreign bodies to attack humanity. The NeruoPlague had become the single-greatest threat our species had ever witnessed.”
“I am Brigadier General Alexander Coombs. I am the one who made the decision to wall the safe places off and exclude entry by anyone. I created the inverted quarantine zones. I saved tens of millions of people. I also ordered the construction of the quarantine zones and walled tens of millions of people whose infection status was unknown inside them. I may have saved tens of millions of people but I left tens of millions to die from the NeuroPlague to do so. I did it to save our species from death at the hands of this terrible disease, this weapon. This instrument of hate would have wiped every last one of us off the earth had drastic action not been taken. I knew then that I would be the most hated man on earth for the hard decision I made. I also have faith that, someday, history will acknowledge the heroism in my decision and give me the forgiveness that I will never be able to give myself.”
The hologram dissolves and the floor loses its opacity revealing a scene below. “What you are now standing over is the encampment where we found the journal you saw encased outside the full exhibit. 20 years after the last case of the NeuroPlague we allowed anthropologists into the abandoned lands and the quarantine zones to see what they could find. We found thousands of these encampments spread across the land. Many had the remains of people scattered about them; some had obviously died writhing in pain, others had died at their own hand. We even discovered walled off villages with a few survivors whose anger and hatred toward us made it impossible to approach them. The disease, it appears, has exhausted itself. Humanity is safe and we, once again, are free to roam the surface of the world.”
The floor regained its opacity and a doorway slowly illuminated, presenting the hallway where the exhibit entrance was to be found.
The pair of patrons exit the exhibit and stepped back into the hallway. “Fascinating,” the taller one states, “this species appears to have exterminated itself in a war over whether or not their mythology would approve of merging with their technology.”
“Agreed. This truly is fascinating. Our report will make for a very interesting experience. If only we could transport this entire shrine to their survival with us when we return. It is a much greater experience than our recording of it can be.” The shorter one replied.
“Agreed. We will have to accept only the recording and the other evidence that shows that the NeuroPlague was not extinct as the exhibit outlined. Finding this shrine is fortuitous as it would have taken decades to determine the cause of their extinction without it. We shall make it a cautionary tale for other developing worlds in the future.”
With those final words the two beings of gray skin and black eyes, touch buttons on their wrists and flash out of existence. The sounds of nature, uninterrupted by the extinction of mankind, continue outside the walls of the indomitable structure of the Museum of Modern Human History.
Monday, September 19, 2016
November, 2016
I can't think of a better title....
I'm terrified of the current positioning of my country.
In November we have two potential outcomes, each of which is terrible.
The first, most heinous, and the one I predict to pass, is that Trump wins the election.
The second is that Hillary wins the election enraging the hoard of armed Trumpites to the possible point of a violent revolt.
Trump's current rhetoric and position closely mirror those of Hitler in the early 1930s in Germany.... during the time when the Nazi party had a HUGE following and great support in THIS country, too. BEFORE the atrocities began. Trump's rhetoric is following that path clearly and perfectly yet so many people who follow him cannot see that the nice brick walkway they are treading upon leads to mass oppression and genocide. They are angry. They are angry at how the government, and the political system have mistreated the people for their entire lives and they have every right to be. They have grabbed onto the one beacon that they feel shows them a way out of that oppression; but, they're all wrong. That beacon is the candle which they, all moths, will burn and die by.
I fear that Hillary winning will lead to controversy as 75% of this country will question whether she came by the victory legitimately. A third of those who question it will be relieved that she did, a third will be furious that she did and the remaining third will stop caring shortly thereafter because they cannot be bothered with politics except when the presidential election is about to happen.
I fear that, regardless of the outcome, we will be placed on the brink of a second American Civil War. If Trump wins the war will begin when the more reasonable states refuse to cooperate with fascist mandates from the White House; if Hillary wins the war will be brought TO the White House. This election could, literally, split this nation into two parts..... which could then split into further subsections (for example: Texas is financially solvent whereas most of The South is not so Texas would likely cut itself free and become its own sovereign nation, leaving the rest of The South to whither and die on their own).
The northeast will continue with their liberal views and advocate for equality for all and for everyone's right to have a good job. The Pacific Northwest will join them.
The midwest will fracture and be the main battlegrounds for this conflict.
I don't want this to come to pass but I see it happening so clearly. The only thing that can prevent it now is US, working together to promote a healthy future instead of an oppressive regime and NeoReign of Terror.
I'm terrified of the current positioning of my country.
In November we have two potential outcomes, each of which is terrible.
The first, most heinous, and the one I predict to pass, is that Trump wins the election.
The second is that Hillary wins the election enraging the hoard of armed Trumpites to the possible point of a violent revolt.
Trump's current rhetoric and position closely mirror those of Hitler in the early 1930s in Germany.... during the time when the Nazi party had a HUGE following and great support in THIS country, too. BEFORE the atrocities began. Trump's rhetoric is following that path clearly and perfectly yet so many people who follow him cannot see that the nice brick walkway they are treading upon leads to mass oppression and genocide. They are angry. They are angry at how the government, and the political system have mistreated the people for their entire lives and they have every right to be. They have grabbed onto the one beacon that they feel shows them a way out of that oppression; but, they're all wrong. That beacon is the candle which they, all moths, will burn and die by.
I fear that Hillary winning will lead to controversy as 75% of this country will question whether she came by the victory legitimately. A third of those who question it will be relieved that she did, a third will be furious that she did and the remaining third will stop caring shortly thereafter because they cannot be bothered with politics except when the presidential election is about to happen.
I fear that, regardless of the outcome, we will be placed on the brink of a second American Civil War. If Trump wins the war will begin when the more reasonable states refuse to cooperate with fascist mandates from the White House; if Hillary wins the war will be brought TO the White House. This election could, literally, split this nation into two parts..... which could then split into further subsections (for example: Texas is financially solvent whereas most of The South is not so Texas would likely cut itself free and become its own sovereign nation, leaving the rest of The South to whither and die on their own).
The northeast will continue with their liberal views and advocate for equality for all and for everyone's right to have a good job. The Pacific Northwest will join them.
The midwest will fracture and be the main battlegrounds for this conflict.
I don't want this to come to pass but I see it happening so clearly. The only thing that can prevent it now is US, working together to promote a healthy future instead of an oppressive regime and NeoReign of Terror.
Friday, July 15, 2016
What Does Racism Mean?
Let's start this post by getting the immediate triggers out of the way:
I'm white.
I'm male.
For good measure - I'm not a parent and I have been a citizen of the U.S.A my entire life.
If you feel that any of these things (or anything else, for that matter) means I am not allowed to have an opinion on a topic feel free to leave. If you feel anyone is ever not allowed to have an opinion on a topic then you are a major part of the divisiveness problem in out country and in society as a whole.
Before we go any further let's get some other important bits out of the way.
Racism is real.
Racism is a very serious problem.
Racism is pervasive.
Racism is taught to us all from the moment we start to absorb language through until the moment we expire from life.
There is no escaping racism in the modern world; we can but reject the racist thoughts that have infiltrated our minds and embrace the notions of equality and egalitarianism.
I do not, and never have, rejected these notions.
I will admit, as per some earlier posts, that it took me until specific experiences to really understand what these idea meant and to witness them, but I never claimed they did not exist. I, merely, failed to comprehend them. When I was much younger I even questioned some of the things that existed because I hadn't seen any evidence of the systemic oppression that occurs.
Some time ago, I am not precisely sure of when, I encountered a graphic in the facebook feed of someone I do not know who posts many graphics, memes, news articles, etc that highlight the various problems in our country. Most of them relate to racism and sexism. I agree with most of them because these things are a problem. But, then, there was this one graphic that jumped out at me because of the core, and severe, level of wrongness. I tried to find it to embed in this post and failed.
It was a screen shot segment of a tweet (or some other social media post) that said:
This is important because the origin point of the idea that Black people cannot be racist lies in a specific "equation"drafted by Pat Bidol in 1970
The combination of the words "race" and the suffix "ism" form the word "racism." Let's take a look at those:
As one can clearly see from these constructs "race" is a specific group of people who share genetic similarities that are physically apparent and "ism" is a practice of some sort related to the root of the "ism." Racism, therefore, is a practice based solely on racial traits. That is the formal definition.
The formal definition has NO mention of it only being applicable to the dominant racial group: NONE. Therefore, by the very definition of the word, anyone individual can be a racist and practice racism.
This newer concept of racism was generated in 1970 and is accepted by only the most far-left liberal academics as being THE valid definition. The term "racism" clearly dates to 1932 in popular use and has been dated to 1902 where it began to replace the previous variant of "racialism." My very meager research into this shows that the term "racialism" has been dated to at least 18971 and that the word "race" applied to humans dates back to at least 1500 with racialist ideas and concepts being discussed all the way back to the beginning of written history (just open The Holy Bible). The idea of segregation and sorting by race is NOT new and NEVER has it been exclusively contained to the dominant racial group.
Furthering this, piggybacking on the idea, is an NEA statement from 1973:
“All white individuals in our society are racists. Even is a white is totally free from all conscious racial prejudices, he remains a racist, for he receives benefits distributed by a white racist society through its institutions. Our institutional and cultural processes are so arranged as to automatically benefit whites, just because they are white.
It is essential for whites for whites to recognized that they receive most of these racist benefits automatically, unconsciously, unintentionally.”
--from EDUCATIONA & RACISM, National Education Association.
This has some merit, which I acknowledged and agreed with above, but it is not a valid statement overall. Both the idea that minorities cannot be racist and that every white person is are removing personal action and personal responsibility from the equation. They eliminate the very seed of institutional racism from reality: personal actions.
Take these examples:
A white person refuses to serve a Black person because of their skin color.
A white person refuses to serve a Latino person because of their skin color.
A white person refuses to serve an Asian person because of their skin color.
A white person refuses to serve an Arab person because of their skin color.
A white person refuses to serve a Native American person because of their skin color.
All of these are an INDIVIDUAL action. The white person in each of these examples is practicing prejudice against another person solely for the color of their skin; they are practicing racism and are, therefore, a racist.
Now, let's take these examples:
A Black person refuses to serve a white person because of their skin color.
A Latino person refuses to serve a Black person because of their skin color.
A Black person refuses to serve a Latino person because of their skin color.
An Asian person refuses to serve a white person because of their skin color.
A Black person refuses to serve an Asian person because of their skin color.
An Asian person refuses to serve a white person because of their skin color.
A Black person refuses to serve an Arab person because of their skin color.
A Native American person refuses to serve an Arab person because of their skin color.
All of these are ALSO INDIVIDUAL actions. In each case the same exact prejudicial practice is being performed based solely on the color of the person's skin. BUT, according to the equation-based definition NONE of these are racism because none of the perpetrators of the action are white.
That's right. This new racism definition is, in itself, racist. It says that the color of your skin determines whether or not you CAN be racist.
Shortly after encountering the above graphics I encountered this article. The author describes herself as "queer, nonbinary Black fat femme writer, artist, and cultural producer."
I posted the article to my facebook feed because I felt it had some good points but, also, that it highlights an ongoing trend of divisiveness that DOES NOT HELP.
This is what I posted with the article:
I agree that it shouldn't be a hobby.
I agree that anyone showing up for a photo op is a problem (I'm being nice and gentle).
I agree that people showing up to undermine the protest and subvert it for their own "fuck the police" or any other political agenda are scum.
I agree that black people have suffered in this land at the hands of oppression since the first one was tossed onto North American soil.
I agree that the systemic issues have arisen and been constantly reinforced in a recursive cycle of smaller and more tightly knit subtle ways to keep power through active oppression.
I agree that black people are disproportionately poor in most places in this country.
I agree that we need to level the playing field by increasing opportunity for the poorest among us and that we need to give them more resources to be able to succeed.
I agree that our efforts to help the poor should go to the poor regardless of their color and that that means those assistance programs will mostly go to black people.
I agree that such an "unfair" distribution is not, at all, unfair.
I don't agree that unilateral reparations are deserved as that is the same level of entitlement that poor whites are accused of for being white.
I don't agree that anyone alive today has experienced 400 years of it of oppression, merely the results of the oppression applied to their lives (VERY different).
I don't agree that every white person is as responsible as those who started the oppression (it's not specifically said, but it is implied).
I don't agree that white people can't be upset and want to help while still having their lives intact.
I don't agree that white people have no place vocalizing against police brutality and racism.
Lastly - this article bothers me because it is, inherently and completely, racist in itself. One canNOT eliminate racism by switching the polarity. One cannot eliminate racism by seeking vengeance based on skin color. One cannot seek to make the world a better place while advocating to judge people based on the color of their skin regardless of what color that is.
This article, like so many other strong activist stances I have seen, is NOT good for society; it's highlighting and advocating for preserving the barriers of skin color rather than trying to erode them.
Whatever color you skin is does not matter - if you judge others by the color of their skin you are a racist. Racism is NOT good.....
I want to see an end to the problem of disproportionate poverty (and ALL poverty). I want to see an end to inequality in educational opportunities. I want to see an end anything other than a person's own merit being the measure of their worth.
Being a good person who adds value to the world should be the ONLY thing that matters. THAT'S what I want to see in our society.
And, again, I was presented with a tirade of condemnation for my stances because I called the author racist. I was told that she cannot be racist because she is Black. I was told that I am undermining the entire equality movement for refusing to accept that the newer definition of racism is valid. I was told that I am using my privilege to reject the suffering of those who don't have it. I was told that I am "white privilege in the flesh" because I refuse to accept that minorities cannot be racist. I was told that racism is NOT a niche of prejudice which, by definition, it CLEARLY is.
The onslaught against me deviated into questioning my stance on sexism in a manner I cannot even comprehend well enough to rephrase. My rebuttal to that was, quite clearly, that the effort to achieve equality for all is NOT the same as redefining a word so that minorities are incapable of it. That doesn't reduce the problem but, rather, it gives a free pass to the minorities to act out the behaviors.
White person does a racist thing - they're racist and a monster
Black person does the same thing - they're "just prejudiced" and it's excusable.
This is NOT acceptable.
Those opposed to my stance were not abated in their onslaught but, rather, became more and more enraged by my continued stance that the meaning of the word is, in fact, the meaning of the word.
Knowing that I am a white male and, therefore, not entitled to any opinions (see above) about anything regarding oppression of any sort of anyone I sought validation from those who are far more qualified to speak to racism than I.
Malcom X said:
"The true Islam has shown me that a blanket indictment of all white people is as wrong as when whites make blanket indictments against blacks,"
"I totally reject Elijah Muhammad's racist philosophy" (Elijah Muhammad was Black, therefore Malcolm X is clearly saying Black people can be racist)
MLK has also said (though these are a weaker example):
"Racism is a philosophy based on a contempt for life."
"Racism is total estrangement. It separates not only bodies, but minds and spirits. Inevitably it descends to inflicting spiritual and physical homicide upon the out-group.”
If Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcom X can both acknowledge racism is something black people can be then it is pretty clear that racism is not something black people are immune to.
Likewise, sexism (because it was brought up in an attempt to undermine my position and my morals with respect to racism) is something that women are not immune to. The first recorded instance of the word "sexism" in print was in 1968 by Caroline Bird. Her words on it include:
Sexism is judging people by their sex when sex doesn’t matter.
Sexism is intended to rhyme with racism. Both have used to keep the powers that be in power. Women are sexists as often as men.
They know isn’t so, but they use the sexist arguments to get around prejudice.
Note that Bird CLEARLY equates "sexism" to racism and CLEARLY outlines that women can be sexist and CLEARLY outlines that sexism is a FORM of prejudice - a niche of it.
I stand on my statements that any individual can be a racist. The creator of the term "sexism" agrees with me, the dictionary agrees with me, the etymology of the words that are combined to make "racism" agrees with me, the most prominent Black civil rights leaders in modern history agree with me. To disagree with me on this is to disagree with all of those.
What I will say, though, is that there is merit to the Bidol equation but it is missing a word (which may very well be in the original text - I cannot locate a copy online to check).
There is, without question, legitimacy to this variation on the equation and, by it, minorities canNOT be part of the systemic racism problem on a macro level (there are still micro pockets where they can be the dominant race and white people are victims of racism in those situations). But individual behaviors are STILL A CHOICE. Each and every person, regardless of the color of their skin, has the CHOICE to accept the racist programming of society, reject it, or reverse the polarity and be as racist as those they are racist against.
Individual behavior is a choice. To say that individuals cannot be racist because of the color of their skin is, in itself, racist. Putting forth such racist ideas is a true undermining idea for the pursuit of equality. To say that someone can't be racist because they are a minority is to CONTINUE TO SEGREGATE THEM AND CATEGORIZE THEM AS SOMETHING LESS THAN HUMAN.
So, anyone who subscribes to Bidol's equation as applicable to individuals - YOU are racist. YOU are subverting advancement by continuing to enforce racial compartmentalization. YOU are advocating for a unilateral pardon to all minorities when they commit actions that are racially motivated. YOU are saying that they cannot be individually responsible for their own behavior. YOU are saying that they can't be trusted with their own moral agency when it comes to racial biases and prejudices.
That's right - I am calling everyone who subscribes to Bidol's equation as applied to individuals part of the problem and roadblocks to progress.
Stop saying that minorities can't be something just because of the color of their skin: it's racist.
*Yes, I said "subhuman," I am NOT saying Black people are subhuman. I am saying our society treats them as such. They are oppressed - I am not. Therefore I am NOT privileged; saying whites, specifically men, are privileged is to say that the treatment of women and minorities is NORMAL. It is NOT normal: it is reprehensible, therefore, it is subhuman treatment.
A bunch of links:
I'm white.
I'm male.
For good measure - I'm not a parent and I have been a citizen of the U.S.A my entire life.
If you feel that any of these things (or anything else, for that matter) means I am not allowed to have an opinion on a topic feel free to leave. If you feel anyone is ever not allowed to have an opinion on a topic then you are a major part of the divisiveness problem in out country and in society as a whole.
Before we go any further let's get some other important bits out of the way.
Racism is real.
Racism is a very serious problem.
Racism is pervasive.
Racism is taught to us all from the moment we start to absorb language through until the moment we expire from life.
There is no escaping racism in the modern world; we can but reject the racist thoughts that have infiltrated our minds and embrace the notions of equality and egalitarianism.
I do not, and never have, rejected these notions.
I will admit, as per some earlier posts, that it took me until specific experiences to really understand what these idea meant and to witness them, but I never claimed they did not exist. I, merely, failed to comprehend them. When I was much younger I even questioned some of the things that existed because I hadn't seen any evidence of the systemic oppression that occurs.
Some time ago, I am not precisely sure of when, I encountered a graphic in the facebook feed of someone I do not know who posts many graphics, memes, news articles, etc that highlight the various problems in our country. Most of them relate to racism and sexism. I agree with most of them because these things are a problem. But, then, there was this one graphic that jumped out at me because of the core, and severe, level of wrongness. I tried to find it to embed in this post and failed.
It was a screen shot segment of a tweet (or some other social media post) that said:
Black people cannot be racist.
Black people cannot be racist.
Black people cannot be racist.
Black people cannot be racist.
I, immediately, took offense to this as did a variety of other people. As I outlined in previous posts I have experience racism. I have experienced the tiniest sliver of what it is to receive hatred because of my various genetic phenotypes and the resulting physical traits. It was unpleasant but I was able to walk away from all of it. I understand that Black people cannot walk away from it because out entire society is built to maintain that level of scrutiny and subhuman* treatment toward them.
There was another graphic I encountered in the same facebook feed, which I also cannot find, presenting another set of ideas:
There was another graphic I encountered in the same facebook feed, which I also cannot find, presenting another set of ideas:
Men cannot say what is misogynistic
White people cannot say what is racist
Abusers cannot define what is abuse
I believe it had five lines in total, but I am sure you get the idea. It's a sound concept that outlines that those in the dominant position don't get to define what harms those in the weak position. The bully doesn't get to define whether or not the bullied feels bullied. The assaulter does not get to define if the assaultee is harmed.
This is important because the origin point of the idea that Black people cannot be racist lies in a specific "equation"drafted by Pat Bidol in 1970
Racism = racial prejudice + institutional power
By the tenets of this equation Black people cannot be racist. The problems with this concept, though, are numerous. First, and foremost, those using this equation seem to subscribe to the concept that the oppressors cannot define the oppression; but the equation was drafted by a white author. Therefore, the very equation they are using to redefine racism as being a practice that can ONLY be perpetrated by the dominant racial group is a hypocrisy in their belief set.
Aside from the hypocritical origin point let's look at the actual words involved.
Aside from the hypocritical origin point let's look at the actual words involved.
The combination of the words "race" and the suffix "ism" form the word "racism." Let's take a look at those:
As one can clearly see from these constructs "race" is a specific group of people who share genetic similarities that are physically apparent and "ism" is a practice of some sort related to the root of the "ism." Racism, therefore, is a practice based solely on racial traits. That is the formal definition.
The formal definition has NO mention of it only being applicable to the dominant racial group: NONE. Therefore, by the very definition of the word, anyone individual can be a racist and practice racism.
This newer concept of racism was generated in 1970 and is accepted by only the most far-left liberal academics as being THE valid definition. The term "racism" clearly dates to 1932 in popular use and has been dated to 1902 where it began to replace the previous variant of "racialism." My very meager research into this shows that the term "racialism" has been dated to at least 18971 and that the word "race" applied to humans dates back to at least 1500 with racialist ideas and concepts being discussed all the way back to the beginning of written history (just open The Holy Bible). The idea of segregation and sorting by race is NOT new and NEVER has it been exclusively contained to the dominant racial group.
Furthering this, piggybacking on the idea, is an NEA statement from 1973:
“All white individuals in our society are racists. Even is a white is totally free from all conscious racial prejudices, he remains a racist, for he receives benefits distributed by a white racist society through its institutions. Our institutional and cultural processes are so arranged as to automatically benefit whites, just because they are white.
It is essential for whites for whites to recognized that they receive most of these racist benefits automatically, unconsciously, unintentionally.”
--from EDUCATIONA & RACISM, National Education Association.
This has some merit, which I acknowledged and agreed with above, but it is not a valid statement overall. Both the idea that minorities cannot be racist and that every white person is are removing personal action and personal responsibility from the equation. They eliminate the very seed of institutional racism from reality: personal actions.
Take these examples:
A white person refuses to serve a Black person because of their skin color.
A white person refuses to serve a Latino person because of their skin color.
A white person refuses to serve an Asian person because of their skin color.
A white person refuses to serve an Arab person because of their skin color.
A white person refuses to serve a Native American person because of their skin color.
All of these are an INDIVIDUAL action. The white person in each of these examples is practicing prejudice against another person solely for the color of their skin; they are practicing racism and are, therefore, a racist.
Now, let's take these examples:
A Black person refuses to serve a white person because of their skin color.
A Latino person refuses to serve a Black person because of their skin color.
A Black person refuses to serve a Latino person because of their skin color.
An Asian person refuses to serve a white person because of their skin color.
A Black person refuses to serve an Asian person because of their skin color.
An Asian person refuses to serve a white person because of their skin color.
A Black person refuses to serve an Arab person because of their skin color.
A Native American person refuses to serve an Arab person because of their skin color.
All of these are ALSO INDIVIDUAL actions. In each case the same exact prejudicial practice is being performed based solely on the color of the person's skin. BUT, according to the equation-based definition NONE of these are racism because none of the perpetrators of the action are white.
That's right. This new racism definition is, in itself, racist. It says that the color of your skin determines whether or not you CAN be racist.
Shortly after encountering the above graphics I encountered this article. The author describes herself as "queer, nonbinary Black fat femme writer, artist, and cultural producer."
I posted the article to my facebook feed because I felt it had some good points but, also, that it highlights an ongoing trend of divisiveness that DOES NOT HELP.
This is what I posted with the article:
I agree that it shouldn't be a hobby.
I agree that anyone showing up for a photo op is a problem (I'm being nice and gentle).
I agree that people showing up to undermine the protest and subvert it for their own "fuck the police" or any other political agenda are scum.
I agree that black people have suffered in this land at the hands of oppression since the first one was tossed onto North American soil.
I agree that the systemic issues have arisen and been constantly reinforced in a recursive cycle of smaller and more tightly knit subtle ways to keep power through active oppression.
I agree that black people are disproportionately poor in most places in this country.
I agree that we need to level the playing field by increasing opportunity for the poorest among us and that we need to give them more resources to be able to succeed.
I agree that our efforts to help the poor should go to the poor regardless of their color and that that means those assistance programs will mostly go to black people.
I agree that such an "unfair" distribution is not, at all, unfair.
I don't agree that unilateral reparations are deserved as that is the same level of entitlement that poor whites are accused of for being white.
I don't agree that anyone alive today has experienced 400 years of it of oppression, merely the results of the oppression applied to their lives (VERY different).
I don't agree that every white person is as responsible as those who started the oppression (it's not specifically said, but it is implied).
I don't agree that white people can't be upset and want to help while still having their lives intact.
I don't agree that white people have no place vocalizing against police brutality and racism.
Lastly - this article bothers me because it is, inherently and completely, racist in itself. One canNOT eliminate racism by switching the polarity. One cannot eliminate racism by seeking vengeance based on skin color. One cannot seek to make the world a better place while advocating to judge people based on the color of their skin regardless of what color that is.
This article, like so many other strong activist stances I have seen, is NOT good for society; it's highlighting and advocating for preserving the barriers of skin color rather than trying to erode them.
Whatever color you skin is does not matter - if you judge others by the color of their skin you are a racist. Racism is NOT good.....
I want to see an end to the problem of disproportionate poverty (and ALL poverty). I want to see an end to inequality in educational opportunities. I want to see an end anything other than a person's own merit being the measure of their worth.
Being a good person who adds value to the world should be the ONLY thing that matters. THAT'S what I want to see in our society.
And, again, I was presented with a tirade of condemnation for my stances because I called the author racist. I was told that she cannot be racist because she is Black. I was told that I am undermining the entire equality movement for refusing to accept that the newer definition of racism is valid. I was told that I am using my privilege to reject the suffering of those who don't have it. I was told that I am "white privilege in the flesh" because I refuse to accept that minorities cannot be racist. I was told that racism is NOT a niche of prejudice which, by definition, it CLEARLY is.
The onslaught against me deviated into questioning my stance on sexism in a manner I cannot even comprehend well enough to rephrase. My rebuttal to that was, quite clearly, that the effort to achieve equality for all is NOT the same as redefining a word so that minorities are incapable of it. That doesn't reduce the problem but, rather, it gives a free pass to the minorities to act out the behaviors.
White person does a racist thing - they're racist and a monster
Black person does the same thing - they're "just prejudiced" and it's excusable.
This is NOT acceptable.
Those opposed to my stance were not abated in their onslaught but, rather, became more and more enraged by my continued stance that the meaning of the word is, in fact, the meaning of the word.
Knowing that I am a white male and, therefore, not entitled to any opinions (see above) about anything regarding oppression of any sort of anyone I sought validation from those who are far more qualified to speak to racism than I.
Malcom X said:
"The true Islam has shown me that a blanket indictment of all white people is as wrong as when whites make blanket indictments against blacks,"
"I totally reject Elijah Muhammad's racist philosophy" (Elijah Muhammad was Black, therefore Malcolm X is clearly saying Black people can be racist)
MLK has also said (though these are a weaker example):
"Racism is a philosophy based on a contempt for life."
"Racism is total estrangement. It separates not only bodies, but minds and spirits. Inevitably it descends to inflicting spiritual and physical homicide upon the out-group.”
If Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcom X can both acknowledge racism is something black people can be then it is pretty clear that racism is not something black people are immune to.
Likewise, sexism (because it was brought up in an attempt to undermine my position and my morals with respect to racism) is something that women are not immune to. The first recorded instance of the word "sexism" in print was in 1968 by Caroline Bird. Her words on it include:
Sexism is judging people by their sex when sex doesn’t matter.
Sexism is intended to rhyme with racism. Both have used to keep the powers that be in power. Women are sexists as often as men.
They know isn’t so, but they use the sexist arguments to get around prejudice.
Note that Bird CLEARLY equates "sexism" to racism and CLEARLY outlines that women can be sexist and CLEARLY outlines that sexism is a FORM of prejudice - a niche of it.
I stand on my statements that any individual can be a racist. The creator of the term "sexism" agrees with me, the dictionary agrees with me, the etymology of the words that are combined to make "racism" agrees with me, the most prominent Black civil rights leaders in modern history agree with me. To disagree with me on this is to disagree with all of those.
What I will say, though, is that there is merit to the Bidol equation but it is missing a word (which may very well be in the original text - I cannot locate a copy online to check).
Institutional/systemic racism = racial prejudice + institutional power
Individual behavior is a choice. To say that individuals cannot be racist because of the color of their skin is, in itself, racist. Putting forth such racist ideas is a true undermining idea for the pursuit of equality. To say that someone can't be racist because they are a minority is to CONTINUE TO SEGREGATE THEM AND CATEGORIZE THEM AS SOMETHING LESS THAN HUMAN.
So, anyone who subscribes to Bidol's equation as applicable to individuals - YOU are racist. YOU are subverting advancement by continuing to enforce racial compartmentalization. YOU are advocating for a unilateral pardon to all minorities when they commit actions that are racially motivated. YOU are saying that they cannot be individually responsible for their own behavior. YOU are saying that they can't be trusted with their own moral agency when it comes to racial biases and prejudices.
That's right - I am calling everyone who subscribes to Bidol's equation as applied to individuals part of the problem and roadblocks to progress.
Stop saying that minorities can't be something just because of the color of their skin: it's racist.
*Yes, I said "subhuman," I am NOT saying Black people are subhuman. I am saying our society treats them as such. They are oppressed - I am not. Therefore I am NOT privileged; saying whites, specifically men, are privileged is to say that the treatment of women and minorities is NORMAL. It is NOT normal: it is reprehensible, therefore, it is subhuman treatment.
A bunch of links:
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